Teenagers can be the most judgmental people of all in my opinion. It doesn't matter what you are doing teens are comparing themselves to you and are either jealous of you or look down on you for doing something, at least until your friends with them. They will judge you for eating too much, or too little, dressing too eccentric, or too plain, and most of all just being different. Almost no one can find a perfect middle ground in every aspect of their life. Even when you aren't doing anything you can still be judged.
Teenage girls seem to try and interpret everything. Every little bit of information must be analysed and stored away for later use. Especially when it comes to crush every change in tone, twitch, and word is carefully observed and occasionally discussed with friends. When analysing something that meant nothing so deeply a lot of misinterpretations can occur. Your voice could have cracked while saying a friend's name and later that could be taken to mean you have a crush on them.
Now that you know escaping judgement is impossible the question is how can you have fun with it? Personally I believe that if people are going to judge you anyway why not give them a reason to do it. By this I mean do incredibly eccentric things. I would rather have a rumour started about me that was started by me living my life to the fullest than someone just making something up, because my voice cracked. For an example of an eccentric thing, today I will be wearing a scarf that is approximately 14 feet long for part of the school day. I'm sure half the school won't even notice seeing as they are so occupied with the analysis of hand gestures.
A brief warning, living your life eccentrically can have it's side-effects. There is a possibility you may not have as many friends, but the friends you have will last a lifetime and be true and genuine. It doesn't matter how crazy you are there is always someone just as crazy, and a couple sane people who somehow manage to put up with you. I would like to end of this post by saying a quick thank you to my friend Keira. Keira if I didn't meet you I think I would be a lot more passive, thanks for bringing out my crazy side again, and Rebecca thanks for driving me crazy that helped too.
I'm eight posts behind, but with the end of my exam note making in sight I should have more time soon.
Book Review
The other day I was talking about how much I hated Twilight, but somehow I mustered up the strength to read through the entire book so here is my review. First off I am not fond of the main character Bella which makes the book hard to read. She is whiny and insipid she has people that want to be her friends at school, but all she does is mope around saying she's lonely. While the plot was an interesting idea at the time, now there are too many vampire novels to tell the difference. Most of the characters were unrelatable, and when they were they were support characters that barely showed up.The best part of the whole novel was when scenery was being described, but as soon as a character entered it started going downhill. For a sci-fi comedy girl it was far to dramatic and unrealistic. Overall not my cup of tea, but not the worst I've read. 2 out of 5 stars.
I am extremely happy and proud that you enjoy being you. When people change to suit others it never ends well. Keep on being true to yourself and keep surrounding yourself with phenomenal friends who see you for the incredible and unique individual that you are.