Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Nerds Are Us

   A store that would be way better then Toys R Us is Nerds are us. The R's would be actually the pie symbol and the S's would be fives. This marvelous store would include the newest technological advances that exist only in sci-fi and the nerdiest merchandise. Today I'm going to describe the coolest things that I wish were available in real life or at least easier to find.
  1) T.A.R.D.I.S: This is a space-ship that travels through time and space and is bigger on the inside than on the outside. From the outside it looks like a small telephone box, but it contains a space mansion. I wouldn't just want it for traveling through time and space the cool part is that it's bigger on the inside. If you had a really big locker you could put the T.A.R.D.I.S in it and then have a party with the whole school in your own locker. Also a good idea for clutter control. You could put every item in your house in the T.A.R.D.I.S and it would only take up part of a living room.
  2) Light sabers: I'm not talking about those fake light sabers you see in stores, I'm talking about, cut through anything, Jedi weapons. Mostly I would use them as a kitchen knife, although I don't know how sanitary they are. Carrots are so hard to cut, and really hard bread just crumbles, but with a light saber you could make a smooth straight cut. Try to make sure you don't make a smooth cut through your finger.
  3) Point of View Gun: This gun was made up by Douglas Adams in The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy. Basically what this does is forces anyone you shoot to instantly see your point of view. One of the best parts is this gun is harmless so you don't have to worry about accidentally shooting yourself. This gun would instantly end some arguments, but it could also cause both sides to go crazy and start shooting each other until they fall over.
   4) Doctor Who Costumes: They exist, but they should be easier to find. I think costume shops should have at least one Doctor or Doctor's companion costume in at one time. Also wigs to match the characters would be nice. Lucky for me I have an awesome grandma who is making me a Tom Baker scarf. The scarf is literally twice the man's height, which is so cool.
   5) Sonic Screwdriver: Who wouldn't want a screwdriver that messes up technology and unlocks almost any door? I'm not a genius with computers so a sonic screwdriver would be super helpful. Again I have a super awesome family and I own the next best thing to a real sonic screwdriver.My sonic screwdriver still lights up and makes the sound as a regular one, it just can't unlock doors. I know because I've tried.
   There are so many other pieces of technology that I wish existed. Some of these items are, improbability drive (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy), invisibility cloak (Harry Potter), Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy), Thinking Cap powered by lemons (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy), and Psychic Paper (Doctor Who). If only these cool made up devices and many more really existed.

I'm eight blogs behind.

Doctor Who Quote
A quote from the tenth doctor.
The Doctor: Don't challenge me, Harriet Jones! 'Cause I'm a completely new man! I could bring down your government with a single word.
Harriet Jones: You're the most remarkable man I've ever met. But I don't think you're quite capable of that.
The Doctor: No, you're right. Not a single word. Just six.
Harriet Jones: I don't think so.
The Doctor: Six words.
Harriet Jones: Stop it!
The Doctor: Six. [walks over to Alex and whispers to him] Don't you think she looks tired?

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