Thursday, 26 May 2011

The Best Parts of A Conversation

   Seeing as everyone has so many conversations in a day, many just fade into the back of our minds to be forgotten, but some conversations stand out, because something spectacular happened. There are many things that can set a conversation apart from others. Here is a list of things that make a conversation memorable with Dr. Who Quotes in pink with a purplish tinge for examples.
   1) When you talk to something that obviously can't understand you: Sometimes it can be boring just talking to yourself all the time, so what do you do, you talk to something that can't talk back. It's almost like talking to yourself, only your conscience doesn't but in with an argument, and you have something to look at when you're talking. These conversations are the best, because rocks don't run away or get angry when you vent on them. The Seventh Doctor: (to a beetle) All civilisation starts with hunting and foraging, but don't worry, you'll soon work your way up.
   2)When an insult is lost:  It can be fun to let off some steam and joke around with someone, but it's even better when they don't get what's going on. Whatever you said in annoyance could have been taken as an insult, but if the other person doesn't even get what you're talking about it doesn't really matter much. In this situation everyone is happy. You walk away from the conversation slightly less annoyed and they walk away none the wiser. The Fourth Doctor: You're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.  
   3) When they say something that doesn't sound quite right: People can twist common everyday phrases to suit themselves, but when they do it can throw us off. We are used to phrases being said a certain way so when we hear them being said differently we put them to memory. Ikona: Well then why the hologram? Why didn't she just release Mel?
The Doctor (not sure which doctor): A bird in the hand keeps the Doctor away?
   4) When you are shushed: This isn't exactly a good kind of memorable, but when someone just tells you to be quiet you remember it. The Fourth Doctor: I wonder...   Leela: What?  
The Fourth Doctor: Hush! I'm wondering.
   5) They say something unimaginably weird: Most of the time these weird outbursts are caused by the phenomenon that things sound more sane in your head than when you blurt them out loud. In the case of Doctor Who it's just because he's crazy. When we hear something that sounds strange we store it in our memory banks, occasionally for analysis (Sometimes it's more fun not to care post). The Fourth Doctor: Now drop your weapons, or I'll kill him with this deadly jelly baby (a type of candy)!
   6) They insult you back: When people get angry they can blurt out extremely hateful things, but when the other person actually retaliates we are often left stunned. While comebacks are common today they always seem to come as a surprise, especially when the person is passive or in a bad situation. [The Doctor is being tortured.] The Fourth Doctor: All right! I confess, I confess. I confess to your being a bigger idiot than I thought.
   7) They say something unimaginably stupid: Everyone has their moments, but it's hilarious to witness when it's not you. People just blurt stuff out and don't listen as much as they should, so every now and again you get the opportunity to have a little chuckle at someone else's mistake. Try to be nice when it happens, because I guarantee it will be your turn to mess up next.
The Fourth Doctor: Scorby, if I die, you die.  
Scorby: I'll take a chance on that!  
The Fourth Doctor: THERE IS NO CHANCE!
   8) You say something ridiculous and they joke back: It's always fun to tell a good joke, but it's even better when it turns into a joke off. Jokes start bouncing off the walls and soon both you and your friend are close to tears and out of breath from laughing so hard. All of a sudden your an improv team in front of an audience of each other, and I must say the audience thinks you're doing great. The Ninth Doctor: [opening Rose's phone] Tell you what. With a bit of jiggery pokery—  
Rose: Is that a technical term, "jiggery pokery"?  
The Ninth Doctor: Yeah, I got a first in jiggery pokery, what about you?  
Rose: [playing along] Nah, I failed hullabaloo.
   9) They have something that's distracting: You may not remember the conversation, but you're certain to remember the thing in their hair, clothes, teeth, etc. Well I guess you don't really remember the conversation so much as the moment, but somethings still memorable so it's staying on the list.
Peri: Doctor, why do you wear a stick of celery in your lapel?  
The Fifth Doctor: Does it offend you?  
Peri: No, just curious.  
The Fifth Doctor: Safety precaution. I'm allergic to certain gases in the praxis range of the spectrum.  
Peri: Well, how does the celery help?
The Fifth Doctor: If the gas is present, the celery turns purple.
Peri: And then what do you do?
The Fifth Doctor: I eat the celery. If nothing else, I'm sure it's good for my teeth.
   10) They say something cheesy: Sometimes you here a phrase so cliche, cheesy, or corny, that you just can't believe you heard it coming out of someones mouth. Your brain has problems processing this oddity so it stores it for later contemplation. [Before having a seance] Charles Dickens: I can't be part of this.
The Ninth Doctor: Humbug? Come on, open mind.
Charles Dickens: This is the sort of mummery I strive to unmask. Seances? Nothing but luminous tambourines and a squeeze box concealed between the knees. This girl knows nothing!
The Ninth Doctor: Now don't antagonize her. I love a happy medium!
Rose: I can't believe you just said that.
   11) Someone snaps: With pent up aggression and compounding stress it's no wonder people aren't snapping all of the time, but because it is a rare occasion when it happens it can be scary, hurtful, and when not directed at you a little funny. People say strange things when they're angry, so if it's not about you sit back relax and try not to laugh too loud or else the anger just may be directed at you.[Gwyneth pours the Doctor, Rose, and Charles Dickens tea. Rose, meanwhile, is lashing out at Sneed for the events of the cadavers' attack] Rose Tyler: First of all you drug me, then you kidnap me, and don't think I didn't feel your hands having a quick wander, you dirty old man! [the Ninth Doctor snickers]
Gabriel Sneed: I won't be spoken to like this!
Rose Tyler: Then you stuck me in a room full of zombies! And if that ain't enough, you swan off! And leave me to die! So come on, talk!
   You probably have at least one conversation everyday with at least one of these cool things listed, but even though it may happen often does not mean you shouldn't treasure it. Enjoy every little part of life, I'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find there are more awesome things out there than you originally thought.

Still eight posts behind, also I may be posting this on Thursday, but this is Friday's post. Now I don't like to be a salesman, but if you enjoy the T.V series Doctor Who and don't mind a couple spoilers I would suggest subscribing to this Doctor Who blog at

Fun Stuff
Try typing your name into a search engine and add is after. When I typed Rahne in, I got Rahne is a werewolf in the suggestion bar. It can be kind of fun to see what pops up.

1 comment:

  1. Werewolf hey??
    I could make so many hair jokes here but I am going to attempt to restrain myself.

