When you were first born the world seems new and exciting, so once you were able to move around in it you wanted to explore and learn. Sadly your inexperienced mind thought that the best way to get to know this world was to touch, smell, and ingest everything you saw. You walk away from this stage with a couple pennies lining your stomach, maybe a toy stuck up your nose, but worst of all a burn from touching the stove. For some reason it didn't matter how many times your mom said no you just had to try it didn't you?
Later you understand hot means don't touch, but you don't quite understand that jumping off a play structure means broken bones. While at elementary school there are many opportunities for injuries and you take a vast majority of them. You get your first broken bone, and even manage to bite through your lip on an icy winter day.
You mature a little and soon enough you start crushing on the wrong people. You fall for a bad boy or and eventually get your heart broken for the first time, but not before you do some stupid things with them. You ditch school and even forget to study, because you're spending too much time with your boyfriend. What's the most annoying part is mom and dad knew from the start it was a bad idea, but who wants to listen to that nag party? You go away a little more cautious, and maybe a bit insecure.
By now with all the lessons you've learned you think you know it all as you turn 18. On the 18 birthday it's party time and you learn a new word, hangover. Just because you turn 18 doesn't necessarily mean you have to go out and get drunk, but you decided it was the best option. You instantly regret your party plans the next morning as you wake up at home and forgot how you go there. At least you know what all the flavors of vodka taste like.
Your all grown up now, but the mistakes aren't over yet. Due to lack of planning you and uncertainty, you change your university major, having to take out more student loans. Now your broke, and have far too many courses to handle. Soon you find you are having your first break down. It's not too pretty, but you know your limits now. With a bit of counseling and some help from friends you're soon back on track.
After university you start job hunting, but before you can get one you realize you're pregnant. You hastily tell your boyfriend, who is luckily very nice, and you decide to get married. You're fresh out of college and a bit young, but you think your child deserves a father so you go through the marriage. Later a divorce occurs, but this is a hard mistake to regret, because you still stand by your decision. It was the best for your child.
Now you're old and decrepit. You flip through the photos of your past with a smile on your face. You sigh and take your last breath. It was a long life full of twists and turns, but you wouldn't change a minute. Through making mistakes you lived a live worth living.
I'm eight posts behind.
The phrase it's raining cats and dogs comes from tropical regions in monsoon season. The cats and dogs would climb up on the roofs and as it began to pour the cats and dogs would occasionally slip off with the rain.
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