Sunday, 29 May 2011

Procrastinators Unite Tomorrow

   What makes this post awesome was that I actually procrastinated in writing it. I was just sitting around trying to find something to distract me from doing my math homework. Then my dad and I went downstairs and watched some cool T.V shows until I was sleepy. When I woke up this morning I still didn't feel like writing, and it took me about an hour to even get at my math homework. After about an hour I decided I should just write this post already.
   As I mentioned me and my guess is about half the planet have  problem called procrastination. We just don't want to do what has to be done, instead we would rather do just about anything else, including watching grass grow, or paint dry. It doesn't matter what it is it could even be something you find fun like blogging you have probably wanted to do something later even though you have nothing to do now. When you get right down to it procrastination is caused by indecisiveness, laziness, and the need/ want of fun.
   If you don't know what you want to do then it's pretty hard to do something. Being indecisive and being a procrastinator goes hand in hand. Being a procrastinator can make you use being indecisive as an excuse for your annoyed friends, and being indecisive means that you are not going to end up doing any of the options you are trying to decide between. If you are procrastinating or being indecisive because you want to have fun, it's not going to help. Standing around making a decision and dealing with the stress of an unfinished task is by no means fun.
   The main reason for my procrastination is that I'm lazy. Sometimes I just want to do the activity that requires the least amount of brain power possible. Lately my go to brain numbing activity has been Bio Shock. When I play video games I lose track of the time and next thing I know it's been a couple hours when I still think I've just started. As much as I put things off I still get things done but usually in short active spurts. Sometimes you manage to bore yourself so much that you actually want to do something productive. I usually get this want to be productive right after I get home from school or if I'm at my dad's house at around 5 or 6 a.m.
   Not everyone has bursts where they decide they don't want to be a procrastinator, so here's how to deal with it. First off you should summarize what you need to get done that day in a short list. If you see what needs to get done on paper sometimes it doesn't look like as much to do. Second, it may sound a bit silly, but think about all the fun stuff that you could be doing and don't do it. If you get your errands done fast and early you will have more time to do those fun things, just keep reminding yourself that it won't be too long before you can do all those fun things. Lastly mix a fun thing with an errand. Just because it has to be done doesn't mean it can't be fun. Try putting on some music in the background or if your main distraction is T.V find a channel with tons of commercials and do your stuff during commercials, but you actually have to do stuff don't get distracted by colourful, shiny commercials.
   It may be hard, but if you try hard enough or make yourself bored enough you'll be finished those tasks before you know it. Fellow procrastinators let's not unite tomorrow, let's unite today.

I'm eight posts behind still, because this was supposed to be Saturday's blog. Just a heads up when my exams get closer I may cut back on my posting days. I'll inform you all when it gets a bit closer. Also I added a couple thing to my blog yesterday including a new poll to the right, and at the bottom you can e-mail subscribe to me. I'm pretty sure it sends you an e-mail when there's a new post. I also changed the comments so anyone can comment, even people without google accounts. I may have done the comment thing wrong so it could be the same as it was before. I guess only time will tell. P.S count downs can be kind of fun, should I add one for something?

My mom pointed out that statistics are not always accurate. To prove her point here are some statistics I made with the group of people I used in brackets.
1) 80% of people love the BBC T.V series Doctor Who. (I counted 5 of my relatives all but one watch Doctor Who with me)
2)1 in 6 people have more than two food allergies. (This is counting the people I eat lunch with, one seems to be allergic to everything under the sun)
3) 100% of people have gone to chess club. (I counted the chess club)
All in all whatever statistic you find on the Internet for all you know they could have gotten there numbers like I did mine. Don't quote something if you don't know where it came from.

1 comment:

  1. I have to make a brief comment to further clarify your statistics point. Statistics are measured with something called a control group. This group can be a small gathering of a few people or it can be huge like an entire country. If you have an extremely small control group it is very easy to find people who will agree with your views and therefore help to bias your percentages.
