Friday, 20 May 2011

R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find Out What it Means to Teens

   Many adults claim that teenagers have a problem respecting authority, while this is true it can be easily avoided. Adults are supposed to be teaching us good habits not blaming our teen years for the bad habits we have. Respect can be instilled in any child all the parents have to do is put some effort in.
   I understand that in today's society it can be a necessity for both parents to have a job, but that doesn't mean you can't spend time with your children. When you get home from work it is understandable to be tired, but you should make an effort to ask your child about their day. Set aside family fun time occasionally, and just show you care. You may assume your children are aware that you love them, but there is a possibility they don't, so don't take a chance. If you respect your children, and show that you care for them they will find it that much easier to respect you.
   Be a stickler for the rules, and do not waver in your decisions. Your children may not enjoy this one, but it's still important. If you constantly back down from punishment you're just making your children want to test your limits and push boundaries. When you are clear in your rules, your children will be more clear as well. Making a rules list with your family and sticking to the rules listed can be extremely helpful.
   Little things like getting your children to call adults by their last name instead of their first can make a big difference. Teens are even calling their own parents by their first names today. I get strange looks occasionally but I'm glad I was taught to call adults by their last name. When I'm adult I would appreciate it if children called me by my last name so it only make sense that I do the same for them. Treat others the way you want to be treated, it's a simple concept.
    Parents you have absolutely no right to blame our attitude on our teens years especially if you do not take the time to raise us. Put some effort in and actually parent us, and then we might learn some respect. Respect us and eventually we will in turn respect you.
I'm eight blogs behind.

Doctor Who Quote
Boys and their toys, it's kind of funny how his toy comes to life.
The Doctor: Sorry, do you have a name?
TARDIS Girl: Seven hundred years and finally he asks.
The Doctor: But what do I call you?
TARDIS Girl: I think you call me... Sexy?
The Doctor: [embarrassed] Only when we're alone.
TARDIS Girl: We are alone.
The Doctor: Oh. Come on, then, Sexy.

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