Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Death Penalty

   I believe everyone can change, it may take time and in some cases medication, but everyone can change. This is one of the main reasons why I oppose of the death penalty. In my opinion there is no crime that a person can commit that makes the death penalty necessary. A lifetime jail sentence seems to be a much better option.
   One reason why I find the death penalty harsh is that there is room for error. In the last 35 years 130 inmates were proven innocent just before their execution and did not receive the death penalty. If there were 130 innocent people so close to being killed for no reason who's to say how many innocent people were really killed. It's much better to let them serve jail time. Some inmates commit suicide, and if they are innocent they will still have a good portion of their life wasted if their innocence isn't proven quickly, but at least you won't have to pardon a corpse.
    Some people find that the death penalty is the proper 'price' for certain crimes. In these peoples' eyes execution brings justice to the family of the deceased. Think of the family of the criminal. Even though the criminal probably committed atrocious crimes there is probably at least one family member that still loves him. Think of the sadness that would overtake that family as they hear their son or daughter is going to be killed for justice. In their mind this action would not be just, instead they will be thinking about the cruel criminal system taking their loved one away from them. Also once the criminal is dead the family of the victim won't feel any better, because their loved one will still be dead and nothing can change that. Overall, it doesn't make anyone happy.
     To take a more religious view on the issue the bible says to take the plank out of your own eye before you attempt to take the sliver from another's eye. We all have sinned and therefore none of us have the right to condemn others. We are not always certain on all the details of the crime. For all we know they were enacting their own justice by killing someone who murdered one of their loved ones. In this case aren't they doing exactly what the justice system is trying to do.
     Lastly as I mentioned in my introduction everyone can change. A person can see the error of their ways and become a new person in prison. Why would anyone want to take the opportunity to change away from them. They could become a perfectly normal and productive citizen. Even if this was a one in a million chance I think it would still be worth it.
     Murder is as harsh a crime as it is a punishment. How do we seek proper justice? Right now the blood is on our hands, and we need to cauterize the wound.

Still eight posts behind, but I hope to be catching up next weekend.

Doctor Who Quote
The fourth doctor seems to ignore the threat of the death penalty.
The Doctor: What no tea?
Kaled Guard Tane: Let me point out to you that you have no rights whatsoever. I have full authority to torture and kill any prisoner who does not comply absolutely with my orders. That is your first and last warning.
The Doctor: No tea, Harry.

1 comment:

  1. Since you opened up the religion door I will have to waltz through it. In the bible there is also an important passage that people choose to forget and it states that if you live by the old testament you will be judged by the old testament but if you live by the new covenant than you shall be judged by the new covenant. I don't know about the rest of you, but I seriously need some forgiveness so the old testament theories of an eye for an eye just doesn't appeal to me if it means condemning myself to hell!
