Part 1: Have you ever wondered how many mythical creatures could actually exist? Some creatures are actually plausible cross-breeds. Through genetic alterations I wouldn't doubt that a centaur could be made. In this section I'm going to go through my favourite mythical creature and state the plausibility of them existing.
1) Griffin: A Griffin is an animal with the wings and head of an eagle and the body of the lion. Naturally this is impossible, although there are griffin vultures, because one lays eggs and one doesn't, the systems are different. In a laboratory, although I don't condone this, I think it may be possible. It is plausible to create a Griffin but I don't believe they would be strong enough to carry an ox through mountains as legends say.
2) Hydra: Impossible in any sense, but still really interesting. The hydra's mother was a serpent woman and it's father a dragon man. If by chance it could be made the qualities would be completely different. Firstly the middle of it's nine or seven, depending on the legend, could not be immortal. Secondly if one of it's heads was cut off two would not grow in it's place. Lastly it would not have venomous breath.
3) Chimera: This beast is a mix between a lion, a goat, and a snake. This would be really difficult and even if some crazy person managed to make it, it would not be quite the same as the legends. I think the best way to describe how impossible it is, is by simply showing a picture.
4) Unicorn: I don't know what makes a unicorn, but I still think it's possible to make one. Their blood would not contain healing properties and it could not instantly kill any evil being coming into contact with their horn. I think a cross-breed could be made to look like a unicorn in the future, or for all I know it could have already happened.
Part 2: Both adults and teenagers are or have been hypocrites at one point in whatever stage of life they happen to be in. The only difference is how and when the hypocrisy is used.
Some teenagers have a bad habit of talking with their mouths and not their brains. These people are the biggest hypocrites ever because they don't remember half the things they say. Sometimes teens like me become hypocrites out of stubbornness. No one wants to be told off, especially teens. We like to be right just as much if not more than the next person. Lastly we want to help our friends with problems that we have ourselves, and thus we become hypocrites in an attempt to save our friends from becoming us. I'm pretty sure adults do this as well.
Not being an adult I can only talk about the hypocrisy that I have heard myself from adults. It seems adults have high expectations of their children. Parents try to ensure their children have better lives than they had, but while attempting this they become hypocrites. This is necessary and on a more personal note I think it's sweet when my mom does this. I know she cares about me, because she is obviously wishing me the best.
Now I don't exactly know how to conclude a post with two parts that have nothing to do with each other,so The End.
I'm eight blogs behind, and I've decided that I will not being doing another challenge until I catch up. Feel free to leave challenges in the comments and I will choose one after I catch up.
Doctor Who Quote
A quote from the fourth doctor.
The Doctor: Have a go at this Davros: All elephants are pink, Nellie is an elephant, therefore Nellie is pink. Logical? Davros: Perfectly. The Doctor: You know what a human would say to that? Tyssan: Elephants aren't pink.
I'm not being a hypocrite by pushing you and wanting the best for you because I push myself equally and I want the best for myself as well. You may want to take a closer look at the definition of hypocrite. Since you defined it incorrectly you can write a two page report for me on the Latin roots of the word hypocrite. That should prevent any further misconceptions.