Monday, 25 April 2011

What's Up With Them Vines?

   I don't know about you, but vines seem pretty evil to me. They just grow piggy-backing on other plants while slowly destroying them. They use tall things to get where they are and then destroy them. Kind of reminds me of some people I know. They get where they are by stealing other people's accomplishments and then bugger off, leaving the smashed bits of your dreams behind. It's sad what people will do to get ahead in life.
   In Seventeen magazine I read an article about a father who became a vine to his own daughter. The daughter had a business idea that the father supported, but as the business started booming the father started acting shady. Their friends and family had invested in the business by the time the dad started interfering. Turns out he was stealing profits from the business to go on lavish vacations. Something is wrong when a father will exploit his own daughter for his personal gain.
   There are many other examples that are much worse than the one I mentioned before of parents taking advantage of their children for their own personal gain. Just like those stupid vines on buildings they creep up slowly supporting and destroying simultaneously. Parents should love their children not use them for fame or money.
   I think the source of this problem is how much importance we put on material possessions, and fame. Neither of these things are important, but we focus on them so much we delude ourselves into thinking they are more important than what we should be focusing on. We need to remember what's really important in life, but until that happens all of us have to watch out for vines.

Grr, I'm a full ten posts behind.

Doctor Who Quote and A Joke
A quote from the fourth doctor.
The Doctor: Unless we work very closely together, we could be here until the crack of doom. Oh, what's the use? Can I have one of your pickles? I had a rushed lunch.
What does a Dalek have on his toast? Gahlec

1 comment:

  1. Here is the most UN politically correct Dr Who joke - EVER (and for those of you who are extremists and will choose to take offense - why don't you do the world a favor and lighten up!).

    What do the not so bright Timelords travel in?

    A reTARDIS.

    This is just a joke people, not a slam against people with mental challenges or any other insulting thing you may take from it - just a joke.
