Monday, 4 April 2011

To Eat or Not To Eat

  Most of us can guiltily admit to having a bad eating habit during at least one time in our life. The main difference between bad eating habits is why did they start? Was it a medical reason, lack of confidence, or laziness? The reasoning behind the eating habit makes all the difference.
   Sometimes when people feel sick food doesn't stay down. I don't know about you, but when I know the food is just going to come back up, I don't usually feel inclined to eat it. When people are sick I try not to get on their case for not eating properly. However, when people feel sick all the time they should still eat. If it's a curable disease do you seriously think starving yourself is going to make you feel better? Eat some food already!
   Some people skip meals because they 'don't have the time'. Pardon my language, but that's B.S. You may not have time to make a meal or even pick one up, but I'm sure you had at least one free minute yesterday. If you have a hectic day planned tomorrow, just shove a granola bar in the pocket of the jacket you are probably going to wear tomorrow. If you have a full ten minutes, pack a meal. Seriously it doesn't take that long, especially if you're a decisive person.
    I'm guilty of not eating, because of laziness and forgetfulness. Sometimes I get to school, look in my bag, and then realise there is no lunch. My house is a 10 minute walk from my school, and I don't like buying lunch, so I put myself in a dilema. Instead of making the stupid mistake of just not eating, like some people, I mooch food off my friends. I'm so lucky to have friends who will literally throw a granola bar at me when I say, "Guess who forgot a lunch again today". I don't even get to the asking. Sometimes they guess ahead of time and say, "I packed some extra food, did you forget your luch again?" I love you guys.
   Both over-eating and under-eating can be caused by low self esteem. These people are hoping to look better and become noticed. What they don't realise is that confidence is attractive not twig-like features. Whatever you look someone will find you attractive eventually. All you have to do is believe in yourself, and don't try to hard to change what you look like. I eat whatever I want, and am an average weight.
    There is almost no excuse for not eating. Healthy, unhealthy, something is better than nothing. It's still better to eat healthy, but by all means eat that second pudding. Like Wierd Al said once, "Just eat it"!

I have recieved my first challenge and hope to be realsing the post on Sunday. I am still currently 7 blogs behind, but I am a student and therefore to have schoolwork to deal with. Also my spellcheck was not working so please disregard any spelling mistakes.

Doctor Who Quote 
The Doctor knows how to eat right.
The Doctor: Go now! Don't drop the banana!
Jack: Why Not?
The Doctor: Good source of potassium!

1 comment:

  1. So you are saying that if a person has a disease that causes them to get physically ill when they eat and that person has a full time job they should go ahead, eat something and waste half of their work day throwing up?? How long do you think their employer would want to continue to keep that person on staff? Employers do NOT have compassion for your health. They expect you to work no matter what. If you want a roof over your head and food on your table for when you have the freedom to get perpetually ill you may need to work around your constraints!
