Monday, 25 April 2011

Names Can Be Decieving

   People do not name things properly. Certain words such as margarita make you assume things such as contains alcohol. What annoys me is that margarita wraps do not have alcohol, but it's not just that. Tons of things are improperly named in my opinion and here are just a few that bug me.
   1) Fortnight: A fortnight is a month, but with the word night on the end of it makes it seem like it is only one night. Without the word night on the end it would make a lot more sense.
   2) Catfish: This is kind of self explanatory why I don't like this one. A catfish doesn't look, smell, or feel like a cat. That's just not right.
   3) Angle: I don't mind saying the word, but the problem is it's far too close to the word angel. Having two words that are spelled similar just makes thing difficult.
   4) Santa: If you rearrange the letters it spells Satan. Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't sound too jolly.
   5) Restroom: You're not resting in there, in fact if you're taking a big dump it's the opposite of restful. The vast majority of people just get in and out of the bathroom as fast as possible. I prefer the word bathroom.
   6) Garlic: It should really be called gahlec. Then it would be to the nth time cooler because it would sound like Dalek.
   People should name things so that at first glance the basic meaning of a word can be understood. Although having really long words with root words that make no sense can be fun to confuse people with. There are perks to having words that don't make sense so I guess I'll just have to put up with the words I'm not fond of. People should still either rename the margarita wrap, or add alcohol in some way.

I'm nine blogs behind. This is difficult.

Doctor Who Quote
An episode with the first three doctors and a word that makes no sense.
Third Doctor: Jo, it's all quite simple - I am he and he is me!
Jo Grant: And we are all together coo coo cachoo?
Both Doctors: What?
Jo Grant: It's a song by The Beatles.
Second Doctor: Really? How does it go? [Brings recorder to his lips]


  1. There is another word that is spelled and pronounce funny - RAHNE!
    For some reason most people can not wrap their heads around the fact that a word can look like Rahne but be pronounced rain!! That's right folks, there is the phonetic pronunciation. Enjoy!

  2. 1) Fortnight means two weeks. Comes from "14 nights". Makes sense to me.
    2) But catfish have whiskers!
    3) Agreed. The rules for hard G vs soft G are a bit ambiguous. You can call it the "bendy measure" if you prefer.
    4) Ah, but some Christians would argue that Santa detracts from the real meaning of Christian, and so is Satan's tool. (Also, watch out for "a Stan", he's going to be trouble.
    5) But that doesn't work if there's no bath (or even shower). The British just call them toilets. Crude, but effective.
    6) The British do prounounce garlic as "gahlic" (they often don't pronounce their "r"s. So you just need to cultivate a British accent.

    Funny thing, it was a google search on the pronounciation of Rahne that brought me here. Lol.
