In my opinion a priority list should look something like this:
1. Family
2. Best/Close friends
3. Yourself (you need some fun time and you time)
4. School/ Work
5. Other people
6. Other Miscellaneous junk
The only problem is that many people, including me, have difficulty putting others before themselves. It can be hard to do something for others if it means you have to give up something for yourself. If a friend asks you to be there for them you should be there no matter how sucky your day was. Although you should not be nice to people for your own benefit, if you set your friends as a priority they'll set you as one in return.
A good hint at what your priorities are is to make a to do list. What appears at the top the most often? Are you constantly skipping out on your friends or ignoring them for something you could do anytime like T.V? Once you come to terms with what you are currently setting as your priorities it is a lot easier to change. The first step, as with anything, is actually realising there is a problem.
When you get into a rough patch in your life you need family and friends to help you out. Make sure you still have them around and make sacrifices for them. Someone as important as friends and family need to know how much you care. Take time out of you time and turn it into family fun time. It's hard to admit it sometimes, but maybe like me some parts of your life need to be changed.
To inquiring minds, as I time lord I can travel through time and space, and alter history, but no I have no control over my willy hair. I am eight blogs behind. I just keep on falling back.
Doctor Who Quotes
The Doctor: You know Jo, I sometimes think that military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.
The Doctor: Obviously the Time Lords have programmed the TARDIS always to return to Earth. It seems that I'm some sort of galactic yo-yo!
I really wanted to take the time to read this entire blog entry but I was busy playing video games and watching TV. Maybe I will be able to squeeze you in tomorrow sometime.