Where I live teachers are no longer allowed to ask students to trade papers and mark their partner's work. In some cases this could be considered embarassing, so to protect our privacy it is no longer done. There are many rules that students must follow, but as far as rights this is about the only one I can think of.
If students are suspected of a crime, the police or a teacher can search the students locker, without a warrent being necessary. I realise school is a privilege, but movie theatres are privileges too, you don't see our basic rights being infringed upon there. The lockers are the schools property and therefore it is the schools decision on whether they should be searched or not, but it still bugged me when I heard about this. The lockers may be owned by the school, but students own the contents of the locker.
Freedom of Religion is a right we supposedly have as citizens, however in public schools there are certain policies that lead me to wonder whether this right even applies to schools. Student councils are not supposed to write merry christmas around the school, instead they can write happy holidays, or x-mas. Now I don't expect public schools to start giving a religous education, but not even allowing the word christmas. This is ridiculous.
Students deserve the same rights as anyone else. There are still rules that need to be followed, but their should be more, or less depending on the situation, rules that should preserve our rights. We as citizens are no more, or less important than adults, and we should be treated as such.
I'm still eight blogs behind.
Doctor Who Quote
Yay panda!
The Doctor: That is the dematerializing control. And that, over yonder, is the horizontal hold. Up there is the scanner, those are the doors, that is a chair with a panda on it.
I think in today's day and age of freaks on every corner there can be no such thing as too much privacy. As for locker searches, it is no different than your parents feeling free to search through your belongings or emails. You don't pay for the space you are using therefore you have no ownership of that space or any rights to privacy.