People with high intellect get into silly situations so often that there are many websites dedicated to listing these many situations. Seeing as you can find a website on almost anything, this may not seem like solid evidence, but when you look at the sheer number of these websites you realise that this must be a recurring thing. This is due to a lack of common sense, as I mentioned before in Doctor No Sense. Their brains are filled with knowledge so much that it seems common sense does not compute.
Those with lower IQs can make amazing observations, and analogies about the world. Their creative side allows them to observe and make something out of what some would consider nothing. No two people think alike, but groups of people can think similar. Both smart and not so smart people can make odd connections between ideas that others who do not think similar cannot see. We need both mindsets for a normal and balanced world.
Although, it is evident that everyone is important, most people strive to be someone or something else. If smart people exceed average intelligence they can quickly become social outcasts due to jealousy. Surprisingly I have found that this is more applicable to elementary and middle school. Once in high school it is a lot easier to fit in, unless you go to a small school. Hang in there smart kids and do not camouflage your intelligence, be the best that you can be. Strive for goals applicable to you, and try not to listen when others say it's not possible. It just may not be possible for them, but it could be within your reach.
Now onto the not so smart people (from now on referred to the NSS). No one is truly dumb. Everyone has some kind of talent that they are good at. NSS people, find what your good at and pursue it. You may not get the good grades or become rich, but your creativity could inspire. All changes start with an inspiration, so keep at it. One day you'll make a difference.
Everyone has their differences, and it is our job, as humans to accept them. Everyone has a moment they regret and a moment they are proud of, so who has the right to judge? All in all everyone is important, so let's live together accepting each others good and bad qualities.
This section will be written so that you, the readers, can have a say on what you are reading. Today I am giving you the opportunity to challenge me. Give me a topic, tell me a word or letter I can't use, or suggest a new page. Whatever it may be, you now have a say. Leave a comment or question, and I will acknowledge, or answer the question by next week in the business section.
Doctor Who Quote
Here's another Jack quote.
Jack: What's the Defabricator? Okay. Defabricator. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Am I naked in front of millions of viewers?
Android: Absolutely!Jack: Ladies, your viewing figures just went up.
Android: Absolutely!Jack: Ladies, your viewing figures just went up.
Here is a comment for the business section:
ReplyDeleteDefine the unidentifiable matter that comprises dark matter and how it differs from dark energy.
Enjoy, brilliant one.