Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Night Helpers

   The other day I had an idea of how to help people without them knowing. I thought that people could go over and just weed random people's yards. The problem that my mom pointed out is that if someone sees someone else in their yard they will call the police. For some reason this made me think of the Macbeth line, "Fair is foul and foul is fair". In today's society a fair action is taken as foul, but sometimes fair is just fair and nothing else.
   It's getting harder and harder to do a kind act without getting credit. I know that when you do something nice you want to tell someone, but that takes away from your kind act. Too many people use charity and volunteering just to boost their reputation. Others may think they are fine and dandy, but they are missing out on that wonderful feeling you get when you do something for no other reaon than to make someone smile. I challenge you, my readers, to do something nice to someone random and don't tell anyone about it.
   Society is full of scary things so I get that you can't always help random people. I'm a teenager and because of this if I approach an old person to ask if they need help, they get nervous when they see me coming. I know that in today's world full of criminals you need to be wary, but it's so hard to help people when they're scared you are going to stab them when they turn around. I think as a society we have become a little too paranoid and we need to learn how to trust people again.
   We, as people, need to get out of our comfort zone. Most people need to either learn how to help others or learn how to trust others. There is always room for improvement especially when it come to helping others.

I'm eight blogs behind.

Doctor Who Quote
Two quotes from the seventh doctor.
The Doctor: Love has never been noted for its rationality.

The Doctor: A stitch in time... takes up space.

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