Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Taunting Information

  Sometimes people decide to hint at having a secret and then all of a sudden say never mind or I don't want to talk about it. Why mention it then? This drives me loopy. If you're not going to talk about something don't just bring it up, entice your audience, and then dash their hopes against a really pointy rock by saying never mind. I only have two guesses, one of which make no sense, on why people do this.
   My first guess is that some people who do this have no control over their mouth. They don't think about what they are saying they just blurt our their thoughts and before they know it something they aren't sure whether they want said or not pops out. Since it's not writing and they can't print a retraction they do their own verbal retraction and say never mind. Sure it works for them, but meanwhile people with short tempers, like me, who are around them end up having to stay calm. It's nigh impossible for me to hide when I'm angry because I start getting twitchy and I occassionally clench my hands and feet if I'm really annoyed. Needless to say, people notice when I'm annoyed.
   The second pausibility is a cry for attention. Maybe they want someone to pry so they can guiltlessly talk about something they think you will not be interested in. They want you to be interested, but are afraid you won't be, so they taunt you with infomratio until you're begging them to just finish their sentence already. In the long run this is not going to get you any attention, if anything it will make people to either ignore you or get annoyed at you.
   All you have to do is follow two simple rules. One think before you speak, and two don't mention something unless you're going to talk about it. Stop flaunting information you do not plan on revealing.

I'm currently seven blogs behind. Remember to comment your challenges for Friday.

Doctor Who Quote
From the fourth doctor Tom Baker
Nimon: Later you will be questioned, tortured and killed.
The Doctor: Well I hope you get it in the right order.

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