My first, and best guess is that their super strength is what makes them attractive. Being strong they could sweep you off your feet literally. Also they can protect you and keep you safe your whole life. You know who else can do that, Superman. The best part is Superman doesn't have to kill people for their blood. Just pointing out your other options.
My second thought is maybe 200 is the new 16. Well have I got a man for you. His name is the doctor. The best part is, he is currently in his 900's. Not only do you get the immortal you want, but you also have someone who loves life. That's right vampires a non-emo immortal has arrived. Also he can protect you just as good as superman can. It may not be with super powers, but his mind is just as great. Intimidated yet vampires?
Contrary to my previous paragraph, it could be that these girls are attracted to boys who hate life. Guess what, there are other guys out there who have the same opinion. I'm sure you can find someone who is human. Maybe it's just me, but I kind of want to find a boyfriend who is the same species as me.
My last thought, given to me by my mother, is being young forever. You both get to look young together, therefore he can't look for some new young thing. As my mother pointed out, he won't need to look for someone who looks younger, but he could still look for someone new. I hate to be jaded, but the relationship could still end. You'll find out his secret love of blaming you or how he says the f word every two seconds, then you'll wish you are not going to be together forever with him.
Here's a list of all the bad things about being a vampire.
1) Girls, no chocolate, only blood. Can you really stand that for eternity?
2) Your stuck with him forever, no matter what you find out about him. It's a lot harder to divorce a vampire, than a human.
3) You have to live through everyone you know dying, or if you decide to stay human you have to let him watch you age while he remains young.
4) Biting of any sort hurts, and I'm guessing vampire bites hurt even more than normal ones.
5) You aren't the same species. You wouldn't date a monkey, so why a vampire?
6) There are so many other fictional options who are cuter, sweeter, and just better.
Sure vampires have their assets, I won't deny it, but they aren't the best option. Date a timelord or Scott Pilgrim, just stop the vampire crushing. Vampires aren't even worth wasting time on in your fantasies. Instead of thinking of vampires ponder the ultimate question. I'll give you a hint, the answer is 42.
My original goal when starting this blog was to publish one blog everyday except Sunday. After this blog is published I will be 10 blogs behind. I am attempting to catch up, but it will be difficult. I may try to make deals to reduce the 10 behind in the near future.
Doctor Who Quote
I want to join the innuendo squad. It seems like a fun job.
Mickey: That old lady's staring.Jack: Probably wondering what four people could do inside a small wooden box.
Mickey: What are you captain of? The innuendo squad?
Mickey: What are you captain of? The innuendo squad?
How many paths must a man walk down in order to find himself?