Friday, 29 April 2011

Hippogriffs and Hypocrites

   Yet again I forgot to write a blog yesterday, but I don't want to add another post to the long list of posts I'm behind. Today I will write a two part blog and one of the two parts will count as yesterday's post. The first part (hippogriffs) is about mythical creature and the second part (hypocrites) will be about exactly what the title implies.
    Part 1: Have you ever wondered how many mythical creatures could actually exist? Some creatures are actually plausible cross-breeds. Through genetic alterations I wouldn't doubt that a centaur could be made. In this section I'm going to go through my favourite mythical creature and state the plausibility of them existing.
    1) Griffin: A Griffin is an animal with the wings and head of an eagle and the body of the lion. Naturally this is impossible, although there are griffin vultures, because one lays eggs and one doesn't, the systems are different. In a laboratory, although I don't condone this, I think it may be possible. It is plausible to create a Griffin but I don't believe they would be strong enough to carry an ox through mountains as legends say.
    2) Hydra: Impossible in any sense, but still really interesting. The hydra's mother was a serpent woman and it's father a dragon man. If by chance it could be made the qualities would be completely different. Firstly the middle of it's nine or seven, depending on the legend, could not be immortal. Secondly if one of it's heads was cut off two would not grow in it's place. Lastly it would not have venomous breath.
    3) Chimera: This beast is a mix between a lion, a goat, and a snake. This would be really difficult and even if some crazy person managed to make it, it would not be quite the same as the legends. I think the best way to describe how impossible it is, is by simply showing a picture.
<-- Chimera  Doesn't seem realistic, now does it.

  4) Unicorn: I don't know what makes a unicorn, but I still think it's possible to make one. Their blood would not contain healing properties and it could not instantly kill any evil being coming into contact with their horn. I think a cross-breed could be made to look like a unicorn in the future, or for all I know it could have already happened.

    Part 2:  Both adults and teenagers are or have been hypocrites at one point in whatever stage of life they happen to be in. The only difference is how and when the hypocrisy is used.
    Some teenagers have a bad habit of talking with their mouths and not their brains. These people are the biggest hypocrites ever because they don't remember half the things they say. Sometimes teens like me become hypocrites out of stubbornness. No one wants to be told off, especially teens. We like to be right just as much if not more than the next person. Lastly we want to help our friends with problems that we have ourselves, and thus we become hypocrites in an attempt to save our friends from becoming us. I'm pretty sure adults do this as well.
     Not being an adult I can only talk about the hypocrisy that I have heard myself from adults. It seems adults have high expectations of their children. Parents try to ensure their children have better lives than they had, but while attempting this they become hypocrites. This is necessary and on a more personal note I think it's sweet when my mom does this. I know she cares about me, because she is obviously wishing me the best.
      Now I don't exactly know how to conclude a post with two parts that have nothing to do with each other,so The End.

I'm eight blogs behind, and I've decided that I will not being doing another challenge until I catch up. Feel free to leave challenges in the comments and I will choose one after I catch up.

Doctor Who Quote
A quote from the fourth doctor.
The Doctor: Have a go at this Davros: All elephants are pink, Nellie is an elephant, therefore Nellie is pink. Logical?                                                                                                                    Davros: Perfectly.                                                                                                                           The Doctor: You know what a human would say to that?                                                             Tyssan: Elephants aren't pink.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Good Looking Villans

  Have you ever noticed how many villains are actually kind of cute? It could be just the movies I watch, but I've noticed the villains can be even better looking than the heroes. It's not just bad boy charm, they are generally better looking. Watch League of Extraordinary Gentleman I will tell you now the best looking guy turns out to be a bad guy.
   The main reason why this bugs me is that the bad guy usually dies, or disappears. The cutest person shouldn't die, that's just sad. In series villains have a short stint, unless it's an archenemy, and then is replaced by someone new. In my opinion the heroes should be better looking than the villains, because they are the people who are sticking around, and are shown during the majority of the film or series.
   I'm guessing that producers put a cute actor as the villain to create sympathy. They want to create emotion, because it gets boring if everything is straightforward. There needs to be conflicting emotions, so they make villains cute. It helps add dramatic effect, but I would still rather the producers at least attempt to make the hero slightly more attractive.
   Different people have different opinions on what is hot and what's not, but there are some people that are generally accepted as good looking. Just make me and a bunch of other teen girls happy, and make the good guys cute. Come on producers, you know it's worth it.

I'm eight blogs behind, also remember to vote on what should be after the business section in the sidebar. Every vote is confidential I don't even know who's voting.

Doctor Who Quote
The tenth doctor and the good guy and good looking Captain Jack. 
The Doctor: What are you taking your clothes off for?
Jack: I'm going in.
The Doctor: From the looks of it, I'd say the stet radiation doesn't affect clothing, only flesh.
Jack: Well. I look good though.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Night Helpers

   The other day I had an idea of how to help people without them knowing. I thought that people could go over and just weed random people's yards. The problem that my mom pointed out is that if someone sees someone else in their yard they will call the police. For some reason this made me think of the Macbeth line, "Fair is foul and foul is fair". In today's society a fair action is taken as foul, but sometimes fair is just fair and nothing else.
   It's getting harder and harder to do a kind act without getting credit. I know that when you do something nice you want to tell someone, but that takes away from your kind act. Too many people use charity and volunteering just to boost their reputation. Others may think they are fine and dandy, but they are missing out on that wonderful feeling you get when you do something for no other reaon than to make someone smile. I challenge you, my readers, to do something nice to someone random and don't tell anyone about it.
   Society is full of scary things so I get that you can't always help random people. I'm a teenager and because of this if I approach an old person to ask if they need help, they get nervous when they see me coming. I know that in today's world full of criminals you need to be wary, but it's so hard to help people when they're scared you are going to stab them when they turn around. I think as a society we have become a little too paranoid and we need to learn how to trust people again.
   We, as people, need to get out of our comfort zone. Most people need to either learn how to help others or learn how to trust others. There is always room for improvement especially when it come to helping others.

I'm eight blogs behind.

Doctor Who Quote
Two quotes from the seventh doctor.
The Doctor: Love has never been noted for its rationality.

The Doctor: A stitch in time... takes up space.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Names Can Be Decieving

   People do not name things properly. Certain words such as margarita make you assume things such as contains alcohol. What annoys me is that margarita wraps do not have alcohol, but it's not just that. Tons of things are improperly named in my opinion and here are just a few that bug me.
   1) Fortnight: A fortnight is a month, but with the word night on the end of it makes it seem like it is only one night. Without the word night on the end it would make a lot more sense.
   2) Catfish: This is kind of self explanatory why I don't like this one. A catfish doesn't look, smell, or feel like a cat. That's just not right.
   3) Angle: I don't mind saying the word, but the problem is it's far too close to the word angel. Having two words that are spelled similar just makes thing difficult.
   4) Santa: If you rearrange the letters it spells Satan. Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't sound too jolly.
   5) Restroom: You're not resting in there, in fact if you're taking a big dump it's the opposite of restful. The vast majority of people just get in and out of the bathroom as fast as possible. I prefer the word bathroom.
   6) Garlic: It should really be called gahlec. Then it would be to the nth time cooler because it would sound like Dalek.
   People should name things so that at first glance the basic meaning of a word can be understood. Although having really long words with root words that make no sense can be fun to confuse people with. There are perks to having words that don't make sense so I guess I'll just have to put up with the words I'm not fond of. People should still either rename the margarita wrap, or add alcohol in some way.

I'm nine blogs behind. This is difficult.

Doctor Who Quote
An episode with the first three doctors and a word that makes no sense.
Third Doctor: Jo, it's all quite simple - I am he and he is me!
Jo Grant: And we are all together coo coo cachoo?
Both Doctors: What?
Jo Grant: It's a song by The Beatles.
Second Doctor: Really? How does it go? [Brings recorder to his lips]

What's Up With Them Vines?

   I don't know about you, but vines seem pretty evil to me. They just grow piggy-backing on other plants while slowly destroying them. They use tall things to get where they are and then destroy them. Kind of reminds me of some people I know. They get where they are by stealing other people's accomplishments and then bugger off, leaving the smashed bits of your dreams behind. It's sad what people will do to get ahead in life.
   In Seventeen magazine I read an article about a father who became a vine to his own daughter. The daughter had a business idea that the father supported, but as the business started booming the father started acting shady. Their friends and family had invested in the business by the time the dad started interfering. Turns out he was stealing profits from the business to go on lavish vacations. Something is wrong when a father will exploit his own daughter for his personal gain.
   There are many other examples that are much worse than the one I mentioned before of parents taking advantage of their children for their own personal gain. Just like those stupid vines on buildings they creep up slowly supporting and destroying simultaneously. Parents should love their children not use them for fame or money.
   I think the source of this problem is how much importance we put on material possessions, and fame. Neither of these things are important, but we focus on them so much we delude ourselves into thinking they are more important than what we should be focusing on. We need to remember what's really important in life, but until that happens all of us have to watch out for vines.

Grr, I'm a full ten posts behind.

Doctor Who Quote and A Joke
A quote from the fourth doctor.
The Doctor: Unless we work very closely together, we could be here until the crack of doom. Oh, what's the use? Can I have one of your pickles? I had a rushed lunch.
What does a Dalek have on his toast? Gahlec

Thursday, 21 April 2011


   With all of the new technology and entertainment available people tend to lose sight of what's really important. Instead of spending time with friends and family they watch T.V or blog (I'm making fun of myself here). We all need to take time and decide what we find really important. If you stop and think about your priorities you may be ashamed of what you find.
   In my opinion a priority list should look something like this:
1. Family
2. Best/Close friends
3. Yourself (you need some fun time and you time)
4. School/ Work
5. Other people
6. Other Miscellaneous junk
    The only problem is that many people, including me, have difficulty putting others before themselves. It can be hard to do something for others if it means you have to give up something for yourself. If a friend asks you to be there for them you should be there no matter how sucky your day was. Although you should not be nice to people for your own benefit, if you set your friends as a priority they'll set you as one in return.
    A good hint at what your priorities are is to make a to do list. What appears at the top the most often? Are you constantly skipping out on your friends or ignoring them for something you could do anytime like T.V? Once you come to terms with what you are currently setting as your priorities it is a lot easier to change. The first step, as with anything, is actually realising there is a problem.
   When you get into a rough patch in your life you need family and friends to help you out. Make sure you still have them around and make sacrifices for them. Someone as important as friends and family need to know how much you care. Take time out of you time and turn it into family fun time. It's hard to admit it sometimes, but maybe like me some parts of your life need to be changed.

To inquiring minds, as I time lord I can travel through time and space, and alter history, but no I have no control over my willy hair. I am eight blogs behind. I just keep on falling back.

Doctor Who Quotes

The Doctor: You know Jo, I sometimes think that military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.

The Doctor: Obviously the Time Lords have programmed the TARDIS always to return to Earth. It seems that I'm some sort of galactic yo-yo!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Taunting Information

  Sometimes people decide to hint at having a secret and then all of a sudden say never mind or I don't want to talk about it. Why mention it then? This drives me loopy. If you're not going to talk about something don't just bring it up, entice your audience, and then dash their hopes against a really pointy rock by saying never mind. I only have two guesses, one of which make no sense, on why people do this.
   My first guess is that some people who do this have no control over their mouth. They don't think about what they are saying they just blurt our their thoughts and before they know it something they aren't sure whether they want said or not pops out. Since it's not writing and they can't print a retraction they do their own verbal retraction and say never mind. Sure it works for them, but meanwhile people with short tempers, like me, who are around them end up having to stay calm. It's nigh impossible for me to hide when I'm angry because I start getting twitchy and I occassionally clench my hands and feet if I'm really annoyed. Needless to say, people notice when I'm annoyed.
   The second pausibility is a cry for attention. Maybe they want someone to pry so they can guiltlessly talk about something they think you will not be interested in. They want you to be interested, but are afraid you won't be, so they taunt you with infomratio until you're begging them to just finish their sentence already. In the long run this is not going to get you any attention, if anything it will make people to either ignore you or get annoyed at you.
   All you have to do is follow two simple rules. One think before you speak, and two don't mention something unless you're going to talk about it. Stop flaunting information you do not plan on revealing.

I'm currently seven blogs behind. Remember to comment your challenges for Friday.

Doctor Who Quote
From the fourth doctor Tom Baker
Nimon: Later you will be questioned, tortured and killed.
The Doctor: Well I hope you get it in the right order.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Doublespeak to Scarespeak

  Media and government use doublespeak to make certain things sound nicer than they are. For example neutralise is doublespeak for kill.  Nowadays people do not seem to always care about sparing people from gruesome details, instead people can over exaggerate situations to make them seem more horrible than they really are(Look after the business section for my ridiculous example on this). Words are used to hide people's true intentions, and the English language is essentially abused.
  In order to confuse people of their true intentions almost all governments use doublespeak. They try to get around the negative connotations of some words by using others that have had not had the time to develop the same connotations. The point is they are still doing the same things but they are just making sound like what they are doing is better. Some tour guide handbooks even instruct their employees to use doublespeak. Why is it so hard for people to just say what they mean and not try to tiptoe around their words in an attempt to please everyone?
  It's not just media and certain companies that use it, almost every teenager has used it as well. In our everyday lives we try to twist the words to suit ourselves. If someone is wearing something horrible we say it's interesting. If they ask for your opinion say your not fond of it, you don't have to be rude about it, and you don't have to hide your feelings. People would more easily understood if we just said what we mean.
  When we're not trying to spare someone from some fact we're trying to overwhelm them with terrifying facts. It's ridiculous how when talking about a subject most either under exaggerate or over exaggerate. You can over exaggerate anything to sound horrible, which some people try to do. If you have an event to explain that was already bad don't try to make it seem worse, just tell the truth plain and simple.
  Language is a wonderful tool, and gift, that should not be underestimated. As George Orwell once said if thought can affect language then language can affect thought (not in quotations because it is not a direct word for word quote). Something that can be used to affect many should be used properly, and not tampered with.

Seven blogs behind. Also I need a challenge to do on the blog, not housework.

Math Morals
To prove how exaggerating can make anything sound bad here I will be making math sound bad. By the way I think math is extremely important, and I am just joking in the following passage.
  We have always been taught that two wrongs don't make a right, but in math two negatives can make a positive. When finding the difference between two negative numbers, if the second negative is lower than the first the difference will be positive. So according to math if we make a second wrong worse than our first one it is then considered a right thing to do. What kind of immoral subject is our school teaching?

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Darth Vader, Oh My

   Oh noooo. It's challenge time for the first time ever. I must say for my first challenge I was not expecting something so, well challenging. I will be attempting to explain dark energy, dark matter and defining the unidentifiable matter, however I'm going to skip this last part. Now, while this subject is entertaining to some, not everyone will find it fun.  In an attempt to make physics more fun, Star Wars jokes will be inserted in green. Throughout my post these random, green, Star Wars bits, will have nothing to do with the rest of the post. Let's start it off with a joke. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it couldn't resist the dark side.
   The vast universe that we live in is comprised of around 70% dark energy, 25% dark matter, and 5% normal matter. Although dark energy and matter make up most of the universe not an awful lot is definitely known about them. Much of what is known can be speculated upon, and both are more easily defined by what they aren't than what they are.How do you know you bought a second-rate death star? Every corridor ends in a bottomless pit.
   Einstein, apart from discovering the concept of gravity, also realised that empty space was not necessarily empty. This 'empty space' has the ability to posses it's own energy, or dark energy. Space is constantly expanding and as it does more of this energy comes into being. If Einsteins theory of gravity with a cosmological constant is correct, than Dark energy is a property of space, however the theory of gravity we know today may not be accurate. There are several different options on what dark energy is, but none of them explain why it exists, and exactly what it does. You might be a redneck Jedi if... you knew princess Leia was your sister all along.
   While looking up dark matter I noticed that over half of the description was what it was not. Dark matter is not, antimatter, black holes, or baryonic clouds. Dark matter is either made up of MACHOs (massive compact halo objects) or WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles). MACHOs are massive objects such as neutron stars, or black holes. Most of these things are created by supernovas. WIMPs are fairly tiny subatomic particles that can pass through matter. At this point scientists are leaning more towards dark matter being made up of WIMPs. What's princess Leia's favourite pick up line? "Nice buns princess. On your head that is."
    For more accurate information please visit Also all of the Star Wars jokes were acquired at, although I should warn you most of them are in pretty bad taste. The subject may seem overwhelming, but take your time and read over it a few times, I know it took me a few reads. 

Now only 7 behind, I'm catching up. I am now inviting you to issue me another challenge. I will pick the best one by Friday. Please leave your challenge ideas in the comments. 

Doctor Who Quote
Some things are just too hard to describe properly.
The Doctor: People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Bank of Awesome

   Before I start this post I should give credit where credit is due. The idea of the bank of awesome was created mostly by my friend Keira during a school assembly, however she is perfectly fine with me writing about it. Basically it is a fictional bank that loans out awesome ideas at a 3.14 interest rate. Here are some of the ideas we thought up and who we would loan them to.
   Our first loan would be to Jersey Shores, because in my opinion they are currently in awesome debt, and are owing the public some awesome. We would teach them the Spock pump to replace that stupid fist pump. Instead of making a fist and pumping it you put your hand in a Vulcan salute for a Spock pump. They would have to air that in twenty episodes or more and then we would be even. If anyone manages to get the Spock pump to catch on anywhere post a comment on any post, I would love to hear about it.
    Secondly we would loan Tom Baker scarfs and Tron suits to clothing stores that make their sizes too mall. It drives me nuts when you walk into a store and all of a sudden your a size bigger. Why can't all stores just have the same sizings? To make up for this horrible error each location will have to sell 1000 scarfs and 2 Tron suits. I'm trying to be realistic.  I doubt a lot of people would actually wear that full body spandex suit. I'm amazed all stores don't sell Tom Baker scarfs all ready, they would sell better than most of the other clothes.
    Next we would loan Doctor Who costumes to all costume stores. Some of these costumes would include, sticks of celery, David Tennant's blue suit, Amy Pond kiss-o-gram outfit, and of course the sonic screwdrivers from every doctor. We wouldn't even ask for interest on this one. Call it charity for making the world a little more awesome, or as the nerdfighters would say we're just trying to reduce world suck (everything sucky in the world).
   Lastly we would make small loans to the general public. We would show them cool moves such as nerdfighter workout, the Spock dance (made by Keira and me and a little to complicated to explain at the moment), and Vulcan patty cake (spread fingers in Vulcan salute while doing patty cake). Depending on how desperate some of the people are for awesome the interest may be dropped.
   It would be cool if a bank of awesome actually existed, but we don't need one to make our lives and others awesome. You can start your own cool trend without loaning ideas from the bank. Find something your interested in, no matter how weird, and see if it catches on. Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to completely eliminate world suck.

I'm still eight blogs behind. I will try to catch up a little this Sunday, if I can.

Doctor Who Quote
Daleks you motorized dustbins.
Professor Dortmun: Obey motorised dustbins?! We'll see! 

Friday, 15 April 2011

Listen, I Don't Want To Know A Secret

   Just as a drop of water ripples throughout a pond, so do rumours spread through a school. Also similar to the drop of water as the ripples spread from their origin, or as time goes by, the ripples fade away and are lost in the pool. A drop doesn't look like a ripple and most gossip is not the same as the truth. Rumours and gossip are becoming more common than rain as communication devices advance. It now takes mere seconds for a rumour to reach your group of friends. To make matters worse no one seems to keep secrets anymore. Maybe it's just peer pressure, or maybe people just don't understand the value of trust anymore, either way this is a problem that needs to be stopped.
   In a world where trust is rapidly disappearing if you want something kept secret you should probably keep it to yourself. You should be able to trust your friends with anything, but you can't always. If you want to tell your friends a secret, but you don't know if they will keep it try testing them. Tell them a different secret that you don't mind being spread, but play up how embarrassing it is and how it should be kept only between you two. Wait a month and see if anyone knows your secret. I find it sad that I actually have to do this test and even sadder that I have had many people fail this test.
   Sometimes rumours aren't even started by someone saying something. If some cruel hearted jerk sees you change a facebook status change from relationship to single, they can take that as a go ahead to start spewing our their assumptions to people on why you broke up. Some will take this mean person seriously and pass on the gossip as if they acquired it first hand. Someone could have a horrible reputation and it could all be because someone wanted to share an opinion on something that was none of their business. At this point I just assume any gossip I hear is false, unless I know the person and know it is likely, then I ask.
   The worst thing about rumours is that before they fade away they get worse. As the rumour passes from person to person words are twisted and by the time it has been forgotten it is only a twisted and garbled version of it's original self. If you are not in a group of friends with the person you are hearing about then more often then not you are hearing the twisted version. Again just assume it's false if you don't know a person.
   Communication devices are the reason for them spreading faster, but why are there more of them now. I think the main problem is that people are more cliquey than they used to be. Everyone wants to have a clique and some greedy people want one of higher standings than their current one. When people want to talk they will find any excuse to talk,, even if that means sharing secrets that are not their own. When I feel awkward and feel the need to talk I bring up a new, random, and nerdy topic. Try saying something like, "So, how about the number 42. Describes life the universe, and everything pretty well doesn't it?" Just ask some random question or make a stupid observation that will get people to want to talk to you. My favourite conversation started I ever used was, "Do you know what colour an ompa loompa is?" I ended up talking to that person for nearly an hour. If that isn't better then a gossip induced conversation, I don't know what is.
   Be careful with your secrets. The bible says do not through your pearls at the feet of swine, so just like you protect your pearls you should also protect the secrets that are important to you. Just, because your secrets are safe does not mean you should try to spread others secrets. When someone asks, "Listen, do you want to know a secret?", just say no.

Eight blogs behind. I checked my stats this morning and found that last night I exceeded 100 views on my blog. Thanks everyone. :)

Doctor Who Quote
Well we know the doctor isn't going to be sending rumours by e-mail anytime soon.
The Doctor: I hate computers and refuse to be bullied by them!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

The Problem With Superheroes

   Superheroes all have a couple quirks in common. They all seem to have a thing for capes, and have ninga skills at disappearing and reappearing quickly. We admire them, because there is absolutely no chance of us being one of these amazing people. Superheroes are super, because of their quirks, but should they really be considered heroes. Just like us superheroes have problems.
   I doubt the mental stability of most superheroes. They all seem need to lead two separate lives. They go by two names, and have two different personalities. I don't know about you, but to me that sounds like schizophrenia to me. My hero is stable, and has one awesome personality. Mom, I'm talking about you.
   On a lesser note, the outfits they pick are ridiculous. Even the Green Hornet's outfit looked a little silly to me. What kind of person thinks, "Oh, I know what will strike fear into my enemies, a flowing cape, and spandex". Batman pulls off the intimidating look with a cape, but then he has that stupid mask, also I don't know whether to count him as a hero or a villain. All the girl superheroes wear essentially a one piece swimsuit with leggings underneath. It's like they think their enemies will go easy on them if they look slutty, which I guess is a possibility.
   Superheroes may nab more criminals than the average police officer, but someone has to pay for all the damage they cause. These supposed heroes leave crumbling buildings and debris in their wake. I doubt the people will be calling them heroes when their taxes are raised to cover all the construction. I can't think of a single superhero that didn't cause an enormous amount of destruction to their surroundings.
   With all of their flaws, why do we admire them so much? It's because even though there is danger their life is glamorous. They do whatever they think is right without any repercussions, because no one knows who they are. Everyday they get a good feeling, because they know what they are doing is right. No  matter how hard it gets their powers pull them through.
     Their fashion sense is horrible, they cost us money, and they're crazy, but we love them. We idolize them, and most of us wish we were one at one point in our life. Superheroes may have problems, but we would rather deal with their problems than our own.

Eight blogs behind currently. 

Doctor Who Quotes
The Doctor: Deactivating a generator loop without the correct key is like repairing a watch with a hammer and chisel; one false move and you'll never know the time again.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


   Almost everyone has a friend who manages to get out of everything with excuses. They manage to enchant people with words somehow, and distort their lies into half-truths. A person who is truly good at making excuses can pull off almost any lie with little to no immediate consequences. Although I can be one of them sometimes it drives me nuts when I meet another one in person. How is it they can get away with it and I can't, and why do they do it in the first place?
   The most common excuses are not very specific. To avoid an event you don't want to go to some people say, "I have a family thing", or "I have plans", when really they are probably just going to watch a movie at home, with a bowl of popcorn as their date. People who are bad at making excuses are the ones who get stumped when their friends retaliate with, "Oh, what are you doing". People who are good at making excuses usually have a little more creativity and manage to make something up.
   The problem with making excuses is that they are pretty much the same as lying. Eventually people will stop believing you and in the end you're just hurting yourself. The only problem is that once you start doing making excuses it can be hard to stop. It turns into a bad habit that occasionally happens before you even realise it. For people who have this problem writing fictional stories is a good idea. You can lie as much as you want in those, in fact it's encouraged.
   Excuses are usually made to avoid repercussions. You don't want your teachers to be annoyed at you for not completing the homework so you make up an excuse for an extension. Sometimes teenagers think that telling their parents excuses will save them from disappointment, but all it does is eventually make them lose their trust in you or get you into trouble. It may seem like a good idea, but their are very few legitimate reasons to make excuses.
    As with most other things use your discretion with excuses. They are not to be overused.

Currently eight blogs behind. Remember to vote in the sidebar.

Doctor Who Quote
The Doctor being perfectly condescending.
The Doctor: Well, you see, Mr Scarman, I have the advantage of being slightly ahead of you. Sometimes behind you, but normally ahead of you.
Laurence Scarman: I see.
The Doctor: I'm sure you don't but it's very nice of you to try.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Privacy Act for Students

   School is a privilege, and therefore the students have little to no rights. This is improving, but where it has improved the school board went a little too far protecting our rights. How can we create an equilibrum between the rights of the students and the rights of the school board? This is a finicky task that I don't think has been done correctly as of yet.
    Where I live teachers are no longer allowed to ask students to trade papers and mark their partner's work. In some cases this could be considered embarassing, so to protect our privacy it is no longer done. There are many rules that students must follow, but as far as rights this is about the only one I can think of.
    If students are suspected of a crime, the police or a teacher can search the students locker, without a warrent being necessary. I realise school is a privilege, but movie theatres are privileges too, you don't see our basic rights being infringed upon there. The lockers are the schools property and therefore it is the schools decision on whether they should be searched or not, but it still bugged me when I heard about this. The lockers may be owned by the school, but students own the contents of the locker.
    Freedom of Religion is a right we supposedly have as citizens, however in public schools there are certain policies that lead me to wonder whether this right even applies to schools. Student councils are not supposed to write merry christmas around the school, instead they can write happy holidays, or x-mas. Now I don't expect public schools to start giving a religous education, but not even allowing the word christmas. This is ridiculous.
    Students deserve the same rights as anyone else. There are still rules that need to be followed, but their should be more, or less depending on the situation, rules that should preserve our rights. We as citizens are no more, or less important than adults, and we should be treated as such.

I'm still eight blogs behind.

Doctor Who Quote
Yay panda!
The Doctor: That is the dematerializing control. And that, over yonder, is the horizontal hold. Up there is the scanner, those are the doors, that is a chair with a panda on it.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Poking the Bear

   It would seem that no one I know is 100% certain how to treat someone who is annoyed. Almost every time I start to get annoyed my friends start annoying me further without even realising what they are doing. Like most problems you must first recognize what the problem is asking for and then solve it. The only problem is there is no equation on how to calm someone down, until now.
   A change in tone is a key indicator  of annoyance, but sometimes people can change their tone without realising, so this one is not always accurate. Another indication is if they start dropping items harder, or slaming doors, but again this can also be an accident. If a person is clenching their hands, or toes they are probably either annoyed or in pain. You should probably ask them what's wrong. When I start to get angry I twitch more. Usually I twirl a pen faster than usual or play around with my hair. That's right I play with my hair when I'm stressed or annoyed, not when I want to flirt.
   Try to detect what may be bugging your buddy before you confront them. Go through the day, did you say something that wasn't that nice? Don't go overboard here, if something doesn't come to you immediatly then it probably wasn't you. If you think your friend is annoyed at you just ask once. They will start being annoyed at you eventually if you keep asking. Try to make a sincere apology if they are annoyed, because of you. Think about what your life would be like without that friend, it may give you some insentive to apoligize.
   Sometimes your friends are just stressed out and it has nothing to do with you. Ask them once if they want to talk about it. If they say yes, listen attentivly, and try to keep eye contact no matter how boring it is, but if they say no tell them your still there to talk to if they want to later. As a nice gesture try making them something. A card with a couple of flowers drawn on and a quick message takes very little time, but can mean a lot.
     Be considerate of your friends, and don't bug them when they are annoyed. When I'm snappy I just want to be left alone, sometimes people talking to me can make me even more annoyed. If you can't talk to your friend, make them something to show that you care. They can't stay mad forever if your a great friend.

I'm 8 blogs behind.

Doctor Who Quote
I don’t know if questioning if someone can act stupid is a compliment or an insult.
The Doctor: An unintelligent enemy is far less dangerous than an intelligent one, Jamie. Just act stupid. Do you think you can manage that?

Sunday, 10 April 2011

If Sharing Is Caring, Who Cares?

    There is enough food and most likely wealth to go around, but sadly people are greedy. Most people look after themselves too often and do not think of the needs of others around them. The rich think that because they earned their money, which not all of them did, then they should be able to spend it how they see fit. They think the poor people should just get a job, which is a terribly misguided idea. Some of the insanely rich like, Bono get the picture. I find it amazing that we don't have more philanthropists. If they understand how to share the wealth how can we get the rest of the world to get it as well?
    In order to allow the rich and middle class people to get the picture I think I should fix some misconceptions first. Few poor people do nothing about their current condition. Many of these people have jobs, the only problem is that in some countries the money they make from these jobs is barely enough to cover buying groceries, let alone bills, and education. In 2009 the average annual wage for someone living in Afghanistan was 907 dollars. This wage is not based on a lack of trying to work. The employers of these people take advantage of them and pay them less money than they should.
    Even poor people in places like Canada, and the United States, did not plan, or want to be where they are. At some point these people simply made a poor decision that anyone could have made. We shouldn't judge them, because whatever happened to them could have just as easily happened to us, plus it's not right to judge others. Instead of just saying they should work hard, which most already are, we should try helping them.
    Now that we know these less fortunate people need help, how do we help them? The easiest way is to donate money to charities, or participate in charity events. If you are willing to work a little, and you have the money you should travel to areas with people in need, or look around in your own area, and try to find your own way to help. Try to create your own program to help others, or do something like make a well. All you have to do is try to find a need and then fulfill it.
     To fulfill whatever need you are trying to fulfill you will probably need money, unless you are super rich. Try starting your own charity or fundraiser. An original idea and a catchy name may inspire some to donate to your cause. Once, you have the money start the program, or start construction as soon as possible. If you succeed in your first project, start another one. There is no limit to helping others, just keep at it.
    Just because you are well off it doesn't mean others have a life as great as yours. Help others regardless of your situation. If you become rich try to give back to people less fortunate. You may find it actually makes you feel good.

I was challenged a while ago and was going to release the post I was challenged to make today. Due to being busy, and partial teenage laziness I will be giving myself an extension until next week on Sunday. I am now eight blogs behind. It seems it is difficult to catch up.

Doctor Who Quote
Not quote Jack, you should care for others as well.
Jack: Well ladies, the pleasure was all mine. Which is the only thing that matters in the end

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Making Your Trash Into Tresure

   It's amazing what you can make with the things you throw away. In the series Doctor Who, my mother, and I have noticed that the weapons the daleks have look the same as a plunger and a whisk. Simple household objects can make the coolest things, but sometimes it's hard to spot what can be trash and what can be treasure. Once you have your 'tresure' saved how can you use it? Here's how to become a builder using your own trash.
   No one wants to be a hoarder, but at the same time no one wants to throw out anything useful. If you are planning on making something soon then by all means keep most of your trash until you are finished. When the soon turns into months just throw the garbage away. If something is broken and can't be fixed take it apart completely. For example if my pen ran out of ink I could still use the spring in it to make a tigger doll. Anything that has mold, mildew, or a permanent bad smell do not use for crafts. Whatever you make you want it to look good not look like it got dragged through a farm.
   You don't want to keep too much trash. Try keeping things with unusual shapes, textures and colours. If the object has a shape, texture, and colour that is easily found or made, turf it. Everyone has a storage room, so don't be afraid to dedicate a shelf for random materials you find useful. When the trash has filled your house or you have several sheds dedicated to these craft bits and pieces, you have gone too far. It's time for spring cleaning, and that does not mean wait until spring you should start now.
   If you want to make something sketch it out first. If you have no artistic talent print a picture off, or if it's an original idea ask a friend to draw it for you. The first thing you should do is look at the garbage around your house and look at the picture. Are there any objects around your house that are a similar shape or texture of what you are trying to make? Don't worry too much about colours you can always paint it or put paper over and use markers, pencil crayons, or crayons. If you are having trouble finding something that looks similar to one piece of your thing try thinking of two or more objects together and to make the piece you are missing.
    Just how writers get writers block, you may get stuck halfway through your project. Getting someone else to look at your drawing can give you a new perspective. Maybe they can see some similarities to their own garbage that you don't see. If you can't trust anyone with your top secret project try cutting some of your materials in half. The colour, texture, and general appearance on the inside of your materials may inspire you. Hate to point out the obvious, but try not to cut yourself.
    Once you have all of your materials all that's left is binding them together. If you are a klutz like me please get someone to help you for this part. Find the right adhesive for the materials you have. Honestly I can't really give you much advice on actually building, because I never manage to make it that far. It may take several attempts to make everything fit together properly. If worse comes to worse, try different materials.
   Have fun and be creative. Almost any doodle can be turned into a 3-D creature. Whether it's your own idea or something you want to re-create, whatever it is it will be great. Personally, I think I'm going to make a dalek.

What do you want after the business section? Leave a vote in the sidebar or make a suggestion in the comments. Until the voting is closed the Doctor Who Quote will be after. I'm still seven blogs behind.

Doctor Who Quote
Some things are just strange to keep.
Martha: Oh my god. You've got a hand. A hand in a jar. A hand. In a jar. In your bag.
The Doctor: But that's my hand!
Jack: I said I had a Doctor detector.  

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Beginning, Middle, and I'm Stuck

   Writers block, the thing that all students fear. For some it seems almost impossible to get a writing piece started. Others just can't seem to pad the middle of their essays to make them long enough or put too much information in. Sometimes the hardest thing is the conclusion. You want to leave the reader with something catchy, but sometimes what you put doesn't sound conclusive enough. Today I'm going to help you through the difficulty of writers block.
   Starting an essay can be the hardest part. To start off think of a catchy thesis statement. Your first sentence should be a general statement, but lead into your main point. If you are having trouble thinking of something try re-reading the assignment, or doing something else for a while. After your thesis statement you should mention what will be said in the different paragraphs in your essay, preferably in order. Take a quick peek at my introduction after reading this post. I'm sure you'll find all of my main points were mentioned briefly in my introduction.
    The middle or body of your writing piece is not as important as the beginning and end, and it is usually much easier to write. If it helps, try to make an outline of what you are going to talk about in each paragraph to get started. The main problem students have with the middle of an essay is getting the proper length. If you are having problems lengthening your essay try adding quotes to prove your point. Another option that should be avoided is adding repetitive sentences, editing margins, and separating complex sentences into two different sentences to use more words. If your essay is too long read through it and delete your worst point.
    When ending an essay you should reiterate all of your main points mentioned in your essay. A conclusion should look fairly similar to an introduction, only instead of putting a thesis statement at the beginning of the paragraph you put it at the end. Do not reuse your actual thesis statement for your last sentence. The last sentence should stay in the readers mind. You want to leave your reader with something that makes them want to read more pieces written by you.
     All writing pieces must have a beginning, middle and, an end. It can be hard to get ideas. All you can do is learn the basics of essay writing and try your best. Catch the readers attention and leave them wanting more. Keep on writing eventually you may write something truly inspiring.

Recently I have been noticing that people outside Canada have started reading this blog. I would just like to say thanks for reading to the people from U.S.A, Singapore and Denmark. I am seven blogs behind.

Doctor Who Quote
A quote from the very first Doctor.
The Doctor: What do you think of that, now, eh? A Viking helmet.
Steven Taylor: Maybe.
The Doctor: What do you mean, "maybe"? What do you think it is, a space helmet for a cow?

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Zombies and You

   Maybe it's just me, but everything seems more entertaining with zombies. In all honesty I had no intention of reading Pride and Prejudice, until Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies came out. Zombie jokes can cheer up almost any ones day, unless they are scared of zombies that is. Although zombies are hilarious sometimes you can't help but wonder, would I survive a zombie apocalypse. Sometimes I also wonder, "Can I fit in that dryer", but that's for another day. Today I will be giving you some zombie survival tips, and a brief zombie edicut lesson.
   Before using the wonderful world of zombies for whatever you're using them for there are a couple guidelines you should consider. Firstly, try to refrain from zombie usage, and reference around the young, elderly, and queasy. Secondly, like any joke, even zombie jokes can get old, try not to overuse them. Lastly, when faced with an intelligent zombie try using the term undead, I'm sure they will appreciate the sensitivity.
    The first step to any good zombie avoidance plan is to first realise there is a danger. In the movie Shaun of the Dead the main character has this to say upon seeing his first zombie, "Oh my god..... She's soo drunk". Not quite there Shaun. Zombies can be identified for their grayish, occasionally peeling skin, moaning sounds, and lack of coordination. Some zombies are unrecognisable, and are disguised as humans. According to my heart rate test in gym I'm one of them. For some reason the machine either refused to register my heartbeat or told me my pulse was 225 (it should be 170 during a workout). I knew having two hearts (it's a timelord thing) would mess up the reading.
    Now that you have recognized the problem it is time to asses the severity of the situation. If the number of zombies are not too high, simply move out into the country until the problem dies down. If you are being swarmed by zombies, which implies you took a while at step one, you are going to need to set up a fort. Country side homes are preferable, but if you insist on staying in a city, try to find a group of people. Once you find a group of survivors clear out a mall from all zombie inhabitants. In a mall you would have food, weapons, tons of room, and assuming the electricity is still working a surveillance system.
     You have a place to stay, the defenses are up, food has been acquired, so what now? Get into a routine. Either get used to the zombies, or figure out how to wipe them out for good. Send groups of people out to scout surrounding areas. You have two options at this point. You can stay safe and wait for the military or you can take matters into your own hands. It could be because I'm a wimp, but personally I would play it safe and wait for the military.
     At last you can enjoy zombie jokes without worrying about whether you would survive or not. I am just joking around and do not believe in zombies by any means, but if you by chance do and are terrified try reading, The Zombie Survival Guide By: Max Brooks he writes his book like it could actually happen. If you are scared and just need something to get your mind of zombies then do me a favour and tell me, can you fit in that dryer?

On my post To Eat or Not to Eat a certain gingery friend of mine left a comment. When I said you should still eat if you are sick I specified with a curable disease, seeing as eating will make you better in the long run. I know for a fact that what ails you will not get much better or worse by eating, and so I will not get on your case for any eating habits you may have. I am still seven blogs behind.

Doctor Who Quote
Jack: Oh, and can you switch off your cellphone? No, seriously. It interferes with my instruments.Rose: You know, no one ever believes that.
Jack: Thank you. Much better.
Rose: Oh yeah, that's real load off, that is. I'm hanging in the sky in the middle of a German air raid with a Union Jack across my chest, but hey! My mobile phone's off!

Monday, 4 April 2011

To Eat or Not To Eat

  Most of us can guiltily admit to having a bad eating habit during at least one time in our life. The main difference between bad eating habits is why did they start? Was it a medical reason, lack of confidence, or laziness? The reasoning behind the eating habit makes all the difference.
   Sometimes when people feel sick food doesn't stay down. I don't know about you, but when I know the food is just going to come back up, I don't usually feel inclined to eat it. When people are sick I try not to get on their case for not eating properly. However, when people feel sick all the time they should still eat. If it's a curable disease do you seriously think starving yourself is going to make you feel better? Eat some food already!
   Some people skip meals because they 'don't have the time'. Pardon my language, but that's B.S. You may not have time to make a meal or even pick one up, but I'm sure you had at least one free minute yesterday. If you have a hectic day planned tomorrow, just shove a granola bar in the pocket of the jacket you are probably going to wear tomorrow. If you have a full ten minutes, pack a meal. Seriously it doesn't take that long, especially if you're a decisive person.
    I'm guilty of not eating, because of laziness and forgetfulness. Sometimes I get to school, look in my bag, and then realise there is no lunch. My house is a 10 minute walk from my school, and I don't like buying lunch, so I put myself in a dilema. Instead of making the stupid mistake of just not eating, like some people, I mooch food off my friends. I'm so lucky to have friends who will literally throw a granola bar at me when I say, "Guess who forgot a lunch again today". I don't even get to the asking. Sometimes they guess ahead of time and say, "I packed some extra food, did you forget your luch again?" I love you guys.
   Both over-eating and under-eating can be caused by low self esteem. These people are hoping to look better and become noticed. What they don't realise is that confidence is attractive not twig-like features. Whatever you look someone will find you attractive eventually. All you have to do is believe in yourself, and don't try to hard to change what you look like. I eat whatever I want, and am an average weight.
    There is almost no excuse for not eating. Healthy, unhealthy, something is better than nothing. It's still better to eat healthy, but by all means eat that second pudding. Like Wierd Al said once, "Just eat it"!

I have recieved my first challenge and hope to be realsing the post on Sunday. I am still currently 7 blogs behind, but I am a student and therefore to have schoolwork to deal with. Also my spellcheck was not working so please disregard any spelling mistakes.

Doctor Who Quote 
The Doctor knows how to eat right.
The Doctor: Go now! Don't drop the banana!
Jack: Why Not?
The Doctor: Good source of potassium!

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Who's Who of Doctor Who

   Somewhat recently my favourite doctor of all time on Doctor Who died. Well, he didn't really die, but there is a new actor now. Now the question I'm asking is, who's the best? Taking a look on the favourite doctors of the past and present I'm hoping to find a definitive answer to that very question.
   William Hartnell started the series off as the first Doctor. He was an amazing actor, but due to old age and health problems he had difficulty delivering his lines. Some claim this was due to memory loss, others claim he could not pronounce the words. Either way he could not always deliver his lines properly, and had extreme difficulty saying the word space. When trying to say the word space it ended up sounding like the word Spain. I'm sorry to say, even though he is the original, Hartnell will not be moving on to the finals of the best of Doctor Who.
   Replacing, and recommended by Hartnell, Patrick Troughton became the second Doctor. Patrick started introducing a more childish Doctor. Playing his recorder at the oddest times, his childish nature knew no bounds. The 'cosmic hobo', Patrick loved to joke around, but when his serious side showed there was no doubt who he was. His style inspired Matt Smith, while deciding on a costume. Many of his episodes were lost, so I could not acquire too much information, but from what I gathered he was a Doctor to remember.
   Jon Pertwee,  became the first Doctor who seemed to care about his appearance. He focused a little too much on seeming intelligent, and forgot about having the charming childish nature. Personally I find that his Doctor was barely even the Doctor anymore. He was defiantly timelord, but he was too different from the other Doctors. To be a proper Doctor you have to have no fashion sense and he was actually getting close to having a fashion sense. He just didn't seem right for the part.
   The fourth Doctor, and the only one I currently have an action figure of, was Tom Baker. From his amazing scarf, and fro, to his odd obsession with jelly babies(like gummy bears) Tom Baker caught the watchers attention almost instantly. He was defiantly the most eccentric, and most popular according to Doctor Who Magazine. In Doctor Who Magazine he lost best Doctor only three times, two of which were to David Tennent. His quirky childish nature somehow made him seem even more intelligent, and therefore helped him fit his role better. No matter how long this series runs I think he will always be remembered as one of the best Doctors.
   After Tom Baker, Peter Davison seemed like just a disappointment. The only interesting thing about Davison was that he constantly had a stick of celery in his pocket. He was an okay Doctor, but he was too average. Not horrible, but not good enough to write about. Just can't find anything extraordinary about him.
   Colin Baker, no relation to Tom Baker,was one of the Doctors with the shortest career. The only way I can think to describe him is narcissistic. He had some good moments and managed to bring the standard up slightly after Davison. Obviously he wasn't considered anything special, because he was fired and his season was cut short. No chance for him making it into the finals.
   After Colin, the seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy seemed absolutely brilliant. His portrayal of the Doctor was completely original. McCoy Gave the Doctor a dark, more manipulative side, while still keeping the cheeky responses. He used his slight Scottish accent to his advantage by rolling his R's. The best part of his Doctor was his habit of changing classic proverbs into new sayings. His original twist on this old role inspired future actors to explore the Doctor's dark side. He revolutionized the role of the Doctor.
   Paul McGann was the last Doctor before the nine year break in which no Doctor Who episodes were made. While he did not appear in any real episodes, he appeared as the eighth Doctor in the Doctor Who Movie. The series was scheduled to continue after the movie, but due to low ratings for the movie the series was cancelled. I now personally blame Paul for this long break, and therefore put him in last place.
   The series came back in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston. The humour that the fans came to love was still there, but the Doctor was still a manipulative bad boy. The Doctor softens up a bit after getting together with Rose, but the bad boy mentality does not completely go away until Matt Smith. I thought he did a good job of bringing the Doctor back. Well done, but compared to the masters of the past and the two brilliant actors that succeeded him, he doesn't quite cut it for the finals. I would like to mention, he's not the worst looking Doctor, he's kind of cute.
   The tenth Doctor, David Tennant, was my favourite for quite a while.The thing that I loved most about David Tennant (other than being Scottish) was that he was the fighting doctor. Despite his strong hate for war, and always running away, his sword fight on Christmas defiantly solidified his role as a fighter. He was quirky, intelligent, and let's face it, the best looking doctor to date. Continuing what Eccleston started, Tennant gave the Doctor a little bad boy charm, while staying cheeky and quirky. Tennant helped more recent Doctor Who fans warm up to the Doctor when he told some childhood Gallifreyian tales. Unless they found a real Gallifreyian to play the Doctor who could beat David?
  Somehow Matt Smith reminds me of the fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, and because of this he is not out of the running yet. As a person, I have to admit I prefer Matt Smith, but as the doctor it's a toss up. While Tennant was the fighting doctor, Smith is a more quirky doctor. I think the best description of his Doctor is when Matt Smith says I'm "a madman with a box". His intelligence mixed with a childlike nature, makes him charming. There doesn't seem to be a lot of bad boy left, but that doesn't seem to be a horrible choice.
   Now that the descriptions have been made, the finalists are, Patrick Troughton, Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy, David Tennant, and Matt Smith. Due to the longest screen time as Doctor and most voted for in Doctor Who Magazine, first place is awarded to Tom Baker. Second place is awarded to Matt Smith, for reviving the Tom Baker childish nature, while taking inspiration from Patrick Troughton and that amazing bow tie and fez. Third place is awarded to David Tennant, because although he was an amazing and popular actor, the slight bad boy charm makes me question his Doctor role. I did consider him for second place because of his experience in Shakespearean plays, but sometimes experience isn't enough. Fourth place goes to Sylvester McCoy, who would have been higher up the list if not for his manipulative nature. His version of the Doctor was unique, but seemed more like the Master to me than the Doctor. Finally in fifth place, Patrick Troughton who started the whole childish mentality I know and love. It was a tough choice, and I know there are many people who will argue my decision, and all I can say to that is, leave a comment if your so annoyed. In all seriousness feel free to say who you think should win in comments. If I get enough similar votes I may even change the results.

I am now seven blogs behind. I counted this one as two seeing as it's about three times as big as most of my other blogs.

Doctor Who Quote
In celebration of Tom Baker being number one, here is his main catchphrase.
Doctor: Would you like a jellybaby?

Smile and Nod

  Smile and nod, a tactic no one should live without. It can avoid many conflicts and is fairly simple to use. Recently I have found simply smiling and nodding harder to accomplish than usual. Sometimes you feel the need to say something, but when you are a child it is easier said than done.
  Now, as I mention in my life as a timelord (link at the top of the page) I have had to disguise myself as a regular teen, and you know what, it sucks sometimes. As far as rank goes, I'm at the bottom. There are so many times that I want to say something, but simply can't, because it is a grown up situation that I have no business being a part of. Instead of saying the many things I long to say I find myself having to smile and nod.
  No matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to master talking about my feelings towards a certain adult without sounding snippy. Part of me doesn't want to be civil, and it would seem that part controls my tone of voice. To be completely not modest, I'm smart for my age. Sometimes I want to converse with adults like an adult, regardless of my age. I know I shouldn't, but I still think about it occasionally.
   I see adults behaving poorly and I find myself thinking, "If you were my age I would say, 'Hey you're being a bit rude'". Being disguised as a teenager, these are words I simply can't say. When adults are rude to my mom, I feel especially flippant. I love my mother with all my heart and can't stand when people act like jerks to her. I want to stand up for her, because she has always stood up for me, but I can't. It drives me nuts. I am a person who generally cares for a wide range of people, but it would seem if they're not my age, I can't help them.
    Adults, I think sometimes you forget what kind of thoughts run through a teenage mind. It's not just hormones and stress bouncing around inside our brains. We are thoughtful people, who love our parents to bits, even though some of us have trouble showing it. Don't underestimate us. You have no idea how much we feel we have to use the smile and nod on you adults. Besides, you never know how many of us are actually timelords in disguise.

I will be nine blogs behind after this is published. Out of the double digits, Yay!

Doctor Who Quote
Captain Jack won't take no for an answer. Thought it kind of went with what I wrote today.
Worker:You're not allowed in there. Archive Six is out-of-bounds.
Captain Jack (pulls out a gun): Do I look like an out-of-bounds sort of guy?