Thursday, 31 March 2011

XXX English Course

  Why do classic novels have so much sex? Last semester I had to read Lovely Bones which has around 5 sex scenes. One of these include a very detailed rape. April Raintree, also has rape. Shakespeare, love you, but tons of innuendo. Finally my dystopian novel, A Brave New World, suggests the future consists of one orgy after another.
  I find it amazing that swearing is banned in schools, while there are novels like this on our reading list. Talking about sex in front of a teacher is a big no, but a teacher giving you a book about sex is just fine. I think I see a bit of a double standard emerging.
  Now I'm not saying students should start talking about sex all the time. I'm also not insinuating that these novels should not have sex, or even that students shouldn't read these books. I have to admit that the books listed need the sex to get their themes across. Also I find Shakespearean sex jokes hilarious. In Macbeth Act 2 Scene 3 the porter has this to say about alcohol, "Marry, sir, nose-painting, sleep, and urine. Lechery, sir, it provokes, and unprovokes; it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance." Shakespeare, you perve.
   All I am asking for is a warning. The warning about inappropriate content may not sway my choice in a novel, but it may change the choice of other students. When a teacher gives a list of choice novels I believe at least one should be appropriate.
   Teachers wouldn't need to warn students if the description on the back of books gave the book a rating. All manga and graphic novels come with a clear rating, so why can't books. At the back of books it usually doesn't say, "David travels through time and space to save his girlfriend Sarah. On his journey he makes many friends and has some sex." Books just don't mention the sex on the back of the book. Even Harlequin romance novels, which I don't read, don't usually say the word sex on the back. It's as if people are scared to say the word sex. Sex, penis, vagina, none of them are swears.
   The point I'm trying to get across is, if you're fine with writing about sex in your book you should be comfortable with writing a warning on your book. Just a short thing that says, "Inappropriate content". It takes less than a second to write, unless you have an outrageously slow typing speed. Teachers, writers, save the readers some awkwardness and put a warning out.

Doctor Who Quote
Because of a complaint in the comments about a lack of Doctor Who quotes there will be two different quotes today. Both of these quotes have Cpatain Jack, because he is the biggest pervert in the whole series.
Quote #1 Jack : (looks at Rose and Mickey hugging) Aw, sweet. Look at these two. How come I never get any of that?
The Doctor: Buy me a drink first.
Jack: Such hard work.
The Doctor: But worth it.

Quote #2 The Doctor: Come on, we're not done yet. Assets! Assets!Jack: Well, I've got a banana and in a pinch you could put up some shelves.

1 comment:

  1. I knew banana would be taken that way. Surprisingly Captain Jack had an actual banana, the fruit kind. I thought of it that way too at first.
