Monday, 28 March 2011

Friend Implies Friendship

   Lately I have been getting friend requests on facebook from people who are by no means my friends. I don't get the point. I'm not going to talk to you when I add you, I don't talk to you in person. We are not going to magically become friends by becoming facebook friends. I also have no intention on adding whatever stupid game has become a fad for you.
    If you don't want to talk to someone in real life, what's the point in talking to them in your cyber life. Sometimes I think they only try to add me to keep up with a nice reputation. You are wasting my time and yours. Considering how rude some of these people were to me, I doubt having me as a Facebook friend will improve their reputation.
    I had one person have the nerve to add me as a friend, look at my pictures, and then insult them. "Wow Rahne you look fat", she said. Then she had the audacity to think that after insulting several times in public and on the internet, that I would remain friends with her. No way, I deleted her, because if I would not want to see a person in real life I do not add them online.
   You may find it hard to believe, but social networking sites are not popularity contests, or at least were not meant to be. You do not win some amazing prize for having the most friends. Your skills at making online friends does not make you a social butterfly. In fact, if you have over 500 friends you are probably a basement dwelling dork trying to get more friends to assist you on quests.
   I get slightly annoyed at people who spend hours on these social networking sites. Every once and a while I game for hours, like any good little nerd, nut these people take it to a whole other level. I swear if they don't get their daily dose of the internet they would explode. My ginger friend in the comments knows exactly who I'm talking about. These people seem to add a thousand people just to finish the last achievement in their stupid games. 
   Whether on the internet or in real life to be a friend implies there is a friendship. If you want to be an actual friend then hey great, however if you are just sending me gaming requests, or trying to improve some phony reputation, forget it. Unlike some people, Facebook games are not my main source of entertainment.

About Me
I like to listen to music while writing blogs. While writing this blog I was listening to The Killers. 

1 comment:

  1. Ummmmmm........
    Where is the obligatory Dr. Who quote??
    And yes, I know which internet hobo you are speaking of. If only he knew. Much like all of the other online junkies out there, he has no idea how unhealthy his addiction can be.
