Saturday, 5 March 2011

Befriending Instead of Teaching

   You always remember those fun teachers that had crazy stories to tell, but when it gets in the way of teaching they have gone too far. There is a difference between using a little humour to entice your students, and spending half the class telling your life story. I hope to show you the reasons why these teachers are annoying, and how to avoid being one.
   I may find teachers who waste my time annoying, but there are many students out there that adore said teachers. These students will do anything to get a teacher rambling. Most of the time if these students are asking about a teachers life outside of school, it's because they do not feel like working. Generally if your students are constantly asking you for stories stop listening. It's not kindergarten story time, they're big kids, who are perfectly capable of working.
   Students come to school in order to learn, or at least that's the general idea. When a teacher tells stories in class all they are doing is taking away from that students learning experience. Students you may think this fine and dandy but have you considered that this may land you with an increased homework load. If by some chance it doesn't it could affect you in future courses and exams.
   In the long run teachers are essentially shooting themselves in the foot, because of these stories. When my teacher told me stories of her in stupid situations, my respect for her dropped drastically. Sometimes the stories just made her seem immature. Seeing a teacher as an immature annoyance is never a good thing. Later I realised that just because she is wasting my class does not mean I have to leave that time wasted.
    I started finishing all my homework in her class. I'm serious. Other than  major projects I almost always managed to finish my homework in class. If that's not a big enough hint saying you're telling too many stories, than I don't know what could make it more clear. Teachers if a student manages to pull out and put away two or three different textbooks that do not belong to your class, start teaching.
    Just remember a short joke here and there is great, but don't go overboard. You are not just hurting your students. Teachers you're hurting yourselves.

Dr.Who Quote
"Amazing race, the weeping angels. Only psychopaths to kill you nicely. No mess, no fuss. They just zap you into the past and let you live to death."

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