Thursday, 3 March 2011

My First Rant

     My topic today is technology. I never really cared about it until one magical day I had to write an English exam. Why would this be magical you might ask? Well I'm a nerd, but back to the topic. It got me thinking. Does technology really make our lives better?
     Now certain pieces of technology are awesome to have. Things like x-ray machines and cell phones, but just because they rock doesn't mean everyone needs to use it. For example, if there is no possibility of anything wrong with your brain you wouldn't get a brain scan (That radiation can mess you up). Therefore if your child wants a laptop, but doesn't need one why get them one.
     This brings me to my main point. The area where technology is truly dangerous is in the hands of our youth. Internet safety courses are mandatory in many schools yet either the parents or students still don't get the picture. There are just to many dangers on the Internet to send children out there, which is precisely why you cannot find a lot of personal information on this blog.
     Not only is the Internet straight out dangerous (pedophiles) in my opinion it also promotes anti-social behaviour. Have you ever walked past a line of teenagers, and all of them have their phones out to talk to some far away friend. You think, "Wow, do they realise there's someone behind them they could talk to". When you give your children cellphones, laptops, and various portable electronics you are giving them the tools to do the same thing as those teenagers.
    Lastly for those people that say, "Oh, but it's safer if they have the phone. What if something happened". While that's a great argument and all, but think of this.
1) Payphones still exist
2) Don't have money. Well, I bet your friend has a phone you could use.
3) Socially uninclined. How about good old-fashioned yelling for help?
4)Vocal cords sore. Phone wouldn't be much use either in that case.
     Overall, more people get killed today then when there weren't phones (somewhat due to increased population, but hey I'm trying to make a point). So next time your child, girlfriend, or boyfriend picks up a new gadget how about you ask them. Do you really need that?
Quote of the Week
"I'm a timelord and your a big fish. Think of the children"

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