Friday, 4 March 2011

Disorganised Sports

   Before I start writing this I would like to apologize for my last post. There were a few spelling and grammar mistakes that could have been easily avoided. Hopefully these errors will decrease with time. Right now onto today's topic.
   Picture this. Your a young collage student who wants something to do. You think to yourself, "I'm not a bad cheerleader, maybe I should coach a team. I'm sure it isn't too hard". Let's derail that brain train right there. If you think it isn't hard you probably are not considering the following.
1) Teenagers are lazy and need to be motivated to attend practices. (Avoid early morning practices if possible)
2) You need a place to practise your sport. How and where are you going to book that space?
3) You meed to arrange tryouts and make sure enough people arrive to assemble a team.
4)  Registration can be a pain when a bunch of lazy teenagers don't hand in their forms.
5) The most difficult thing is finding prices for all of the needed equipment and reducing the money spent so it is affordable for teenager.
   Most of the elements of organised sports need well-thought  planning. Then there's the people who decide to wing it. They are completely disorganised and have no idea what they are doing. Then they wonder why no one ever shows up to practices. Maybe it's because your unprofessional. No, that doesn't seem right. Well, maybe because you have too many early morning practices. No, there are still dedicated teenagers out there. I know, it's because my cheer team still doesn't know where half it's money is going.
   Yes, all this time I have been talking about a specific cheer team (that will remain unnamed) that has maxed out my anger levels. Although most of this rant is a stab at how annoying this team is, the same thing goes for any team. If you are not responsible, organised, and dedicated do not start a sport.
  As much as my team was annoying I probably could have dealt with it if my coach would have just been realistic with us right from day one. She remained optimistic and kept on saying we would make it to competition (We never did). In my opinion, if she was beginning to doubt this she should have told us that we probably are not going unless we work hard. Not only is this a good motivator, but also we wouldn't have got our hopes up and then dashed.
   All in all, this boils down to thinking before you act. To organise a team sport you should plan the year before. I doubt they planned at all. Learn from their bad example, and avoid angry team mates. Plan every detail in advance.

1 comment:

  1. I was once a collage student with many meeds as well. It is annoying when people do not take into account the budget of student.
    This was a great rant and I agree that the cheer squad at the unnamed school should ask themselves why they even bothered to attempt this other than as a cash grab??
