Monday, 7 March 2011

Swearing Isn't Caring

   It seems that everywhere you go the f word is there with you. Swears are used almost as often as the word the. They can be used as punctuation, jokes, and even terms of endearment. This really gets on my nerves. Calling your friend the b word is not a compliment.
   Swearing is most noticeable at theme parks, schools, and while in the car with angry drivers. Instead of saying, "My boyfriend is so cute when he snores", teens say, "My B.F is so F***ing cute when he snores." What does that add to your sentence? There is no added information with that word, all it does is make them look immature.
    Teenagers can't even control their language in front of adults anymore. There is almost always one student who swears in class. Teachers are so used to hearing it they don't even notice half the time. Most students have at least one class where they can swear freely. You know there is a problem when swearing has become so commonplace that teens can get away with swearing almost anywhere.
    People say that the swearing is due to pop culture. Stop blaming other people for your mistakes. It is hard to stop once you start, but it is still a choice. If you truly want to stop, you can. The fact that teenagers swear is their own fault.
    I by no means condone swearing, however it's not always the worst, depending on the context. It is incredibly rude, and harsh when people use it as a term of endearment. It is by no means a compliment. When people let a swear or two slip when they get injured, that's not as bad. Even I have had my slip ups when I get hurt.
    It's just common sense. You wouldn't just willy-nilly insult your friends so don't swear at them either. Think before you speak. Just a couple second thought can save you a week long argument.

Doctor Who Quote
"Big, flashy, lighty things have my name written all over them. Well not really, but give me a minute and a crayon."

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that f'ing post was f'ing insightful and f'ing thought provoking. You are an f'ing amazing f'ing writer. ;o)
    I'm pretty sure that made that sentence WAY better by adding so many mock expletives.
    Your rants are a treat to read. Keep on keeping on.
