Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Memories Relived

   Failblog, owned websites, some embarrassing nude pictures and this rant all would not exist if not for idiots posting or texting before thinking. Thanks for the good times, but let's end this now.
   Sexting is a new pastime among teenagers. Sexting is essentially heavily flirting via text. Awkward situations can occur when you accidentally send it to the wrong person, such as your parents. Here's a completely made up conversation that could happen.
    Suzy, "Hey big boy we still on for tonight. My lips are dying for some more make-out action."
    Father, "If you mean packing a lunch for tomorrow than yes. By the way you're grounded".
    Oh, that's not great. To think if little Suzy just took a second to check who she was sending the message to, she would not have been in that situation. The better option is to just not send texts like that. Think about it, you may delete that message, but he could keep it in his history forever. How many people are really going to see that picture. "'round and 'round it goes where it stops nobody knows".
    Normal text messaging can be a problem to. Try reading over your texts before you send them. Auto correct and one word spelling mistakes could change the meaning of your texts. Here's some fails that could happen to you.
       "You want to go bang out" (Actually meant hang out)
       "Yeah. My poo isn't green anymore" (meant pool, you can find this fail in seventeen magazine)
    Inappropriate, or just plain gross, either way these people could have been spared. You think before you talk, or at least you should. Well, read before you text.
    Most of these mistakes make their way into the open, because the person was thinking, "I love/ am fond of him/ her so why shouldn't I send that message/ picture". Celebrities are a good, example of this. Most nude pictures you find of celebrities on the Internet were previously owned by their significant other, or so I've been told from sources such as seventeen (I know it's not that reliable, but I think they are right for once).
    Teens, I don't mean to be harsh, but there is a slim chance of you staying with the person you're with now. Keeping that in mind you may want to hold off on the nude pictures until your at least engaged. Even if you're already sexually active, which you shouldn't be, but I'm being realistic, you should not give them nude pictures. They may still describe it to their friends, but at least they don't have picture evidence.
     Think a minute, and use some common sense. To quote an awesome driver's ed teacher, "Don't be stupid, stupid".

Dr. Who Quote
"Allons-y Alonso"

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