Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Breaking Down and Teasing All Things Teenager

  Before I begin this rant I want to get one thing straight. I am not some random adult talking about how this generation has gone wrong. I am a random teenager ranting about my own generation. Keeping this in mind, I do know a thing or two about why we do what we do. Most of the things listed here I am proud to say are not a part of my daily life. Here is a list and explanation on annoying teenage habits.
  1) Why do girls go to the bathroom in pairs or groups? I am fairly certain it is not for moral support, or so they can hold hands. As stupid as it sounds, it's usually because they do not want to be ditched. Some are scared that when they return from the washroom their friends will be gone. The other reason is possibly nowadays teens cannot stand to be alone.
  2) What is a frenemy? A frenemy is a stupid concept of a mix between a friend and an enemy. You're either friends or you're not. There is no point to fake a friendship. If you are not fond of them, stop pretending. This is not a stab at you Becca. Many people have friendships that they are miserable in, but they insist on continualy calling them friends anyway.
  3) Why do you have your pants on the ground? At first it was in fashion, and whatever is in fashion people copy. Now that it is no longer in fashion, I have no idea why some still wear their pants like that. If you have any ideas leave a comment.
  4) Why do so many teenagers act promiscuous? There are many teenagers that act appropriatly, and do not get into sexual situations early on. Sadly adults seem to only pay attention to the whores. These slutty girls, and some boys for that matter, give teens a bad name. Patents have you ever thought most of us get this way, because that is all you expect from us. Stop expecting teenagers to act that way and maybe we will learn.
 5) Why do teens always seem to have something electronic on them? As I mentioned in my first rant it seems teenagers prefer to text instead of talking. This is a choice, therefor the blame for this anti-social behavour is our own. Parents, you can help us. Support your child to put the phone down and communicate orally once in a while.
  Well, that's about enough ranting for today. Today's generation has tons of annoying habits, but all are avoidable. All of them except saying like constantly, I don't think there is any hope of that changing soon. Adults, just because we have our flaws does not give you the right to judge us. We are not all the same, give us a break sometimes.

Doctor Who Quote
"Oh look, rocks." Wow doctor great observation.

1 comment:

  1. From a parent's perspective - I feel the need to point out that the clothing choices are well within the parameters of what parents CAN control. As a parent it is my job to ensure that my child does not wear clothes that will give the wrong impression. On the extremely rare occasion when something inappropriate is chosen by my girl I just say no. It's my money and it's easy for me to refuse to part with it. Next time parents want to know where things went wrong with the choices their children are making about how they present themselves to the world perhaps they should saunter over to a mirror and take a good hard look!
