Thursday, 31 March 2011

Doctor No Sense

   Similar to most geniuses, The Doctor from the BBC series Doctor Who, seems to lack common sense. There are several situations where the Doctor acts childish, or fails to catch on to obvious things. Matt Smith acts childish a lot, but watching an episode with David Tennent is what made me want to write this.
  During the episode Forest Of The Dead (Season 4) The Doctor shows his lack of common sense. In this episode The Doctor meets a species called the Vashta Nerada, which usually live in forests. The thing is he is in a library, and The Doctor has trouble comprehending how a forest species could be in a library. Tell me Doctor, what are books made out of? Ding, that's right the books were made out of forests.
   It's moments like these that show why The Doctor needs a companion. Someone at his calliber of genius needs someone not as smart to even him out. Just as Sherlock needs his Watson, The Doctor needs a companion. A Doctor without a companion is like a Doctor without a sonic screwdriver, or Reese without penut butter.
   The Doctor needs his companions to escentially babysit him. In the episode Turn Left (Season 4 as well) it becomes evident that The Doctor would die if not for his companions. He not only acts childish, but also sometimes makes childish observations such as, "Oh look rocks" and "Fish, Fish.... Fish!". Even his psychic paper knows he's immature, because it shorted out when The Doctor said, " I think you'll find that I'm universally recognized as a mature and responsible adult."(Season 6, A Christmas Carol) Sorry Doctor you found a lie too big for your psychic paper.
   I'm just teasing The Doctor. Without his childish nature and lack of common sense I probably wouldn't like him as much. Keep on being immature Doctor, it's amazingly entertaining.

Doctor Who Quote
Guess what Jack, I have a sonic screwdriver, and I'm glad it's a little more sonic.
Jack: Who has a sonic screwdriver?
The Doctor: I do!
Jack: Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, "Ooh, this could be a little more sonic."?
The Doctor: What, you've never been bored? Never had a long night? Never had a lot of cabinets to put up?

XXX English Course

  Why do classic novels have so much sex? Last semester I had to read Lovely Bones which has around 5 sex scenes. One of these include a very detailed rape. April Raintree, also has rape. Shakespeare, love you, but tons of innuendo. Finally my dystopian novel, A Brave New World, suggests the future consists of one orgy after another.
  I find it amazing that swearing is banned in schools, while there are novels like this on our reading list. Talking about sex in front of a teacher is a big no, but a teacher giving you a book about sex is just fine. I think I see a bit of a double standard emerging.
  Now I'm not saying students should start talking about sex all the time. I'm also not insinuating that these novels should not have sex, or even that students shouldn't read these books. I have to admit that the books listed need the sex to get their themes across. Also I find Shakespearean sex jokes hilarious. In Macbeth Act 2 Scene 3 the porter has this to say about alcohol, "Marry, sir, nose-painting, sleep, and urine. Lechery, sir, it provokes, and unprovokes; it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance." Shakespeare, you perve.
   All I am asking for is a warning. The warning about inappropriate content may not sway my choice in a novel, but it may change the choice of other students. When a teacher gives a list of choice novels I believe at least one should be appropriate.
   Teachers wouldn't need to warn students if the description on the back of books gave the book a rating. All manga and graphic novels come with a clear rating, so why can't books. At the back of books it usually doesn't say, "David travels through time and space to save his girlfriend Sarah. On his journey he makes many friends and has some sex." Books just don't mention the sex on the back of the book. Even Harlequin romance novels, which I don't read, don't usually say the word sex on the back. It's as if people are scared to say the word sex. Sex, penis, vagina, none of them are swears.
   The point I'm trying to get across is, if you're fine with writing about sex in your book you should be comfortable with writing a warning on your book. Just a short thing that says, "Inappropriate content". It takes less than a second to write, unless you have an outrageously slow typing speed. Teachers, writers, save the readers some awkwardness and put a warning out.

Doctor Who Quote
Because of a complaint in the comments about a lack of Doctor Who quotes there will be two different quotes today. Both of these quotes have Cpatain Jack, because he is the biggest pervert in the whole series.
Quote #1 Jack : (looks at Rose and Mickey hugging) Aw, sweet. Look at these two. How come I never get any of that?
The Doctor: Buy me a drink first.
Jack: Such hard work.
The Doctor: But worth it.

Quote #2 The Doctor: Come on, we're not done yet. Assets! Assets!Jack: Well, I've got a banana and in a pinch you could put up some shelves.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Friend Implies Friendship

   Lately I have been getting friend requests on facebook from people who are by no means my friends. I don't get the point. I'm not going to talk to you when I add you, I don't talk to you in person. We are not going to magically become friends by becoming facebook friends. I also have no intention on adding whatever stupid game has become a fad for you.
    If you don't want to talk to someone in real life, what's the point in talking to them in your cyber life. Sometimes I think they only try to add me to keep up with a nice reputation. You are wasting my time and yours. Considering how rude some of these people were to me, I doubt having me as a Facebook friend will improve their reputation.
    I had one person have the nerve to add me as a friend, look at my pictures, and then insult them. "Wow Rahne you look fat", she said. Then she had the audacity to think that after insulting several times in public and on the internet, that I would remain friends with her. No way, I deleted her, because if I would not want to see a person in real life I do not add them online.
   You may find it hard to believe, but social networking sites are not popularity contests, or at least were not meant to be. You do not win some amazing prize for having the most friends. Your skills at making online friends does not make you a social butterfly. In fact, if you have over 500 friends you are probably a basement dwelling dork trying to get more friends to assist you on quests.
   I get slightly annoyed at people who spend hours on these social networking sites. Every once and a while I game for hours, like any good little nerd, nut these people take it to a whole other level. I swear if they don't get their daily dose of the internet they would explode. My ginger friend in the comments knows exactly who I'm talking about. These people seem to add a thousand people just to finish the last achievement in their stupid games. 
   Whether on the internet or in real life to be a friend implies there is a friendship. If you want to be an actual friend then hey great, however if you are just sending me gaming requests, or trying to improve some phony reputation, forget it. Unlike some people, Facebook games are not my main source of entertainment.

About Me
I like to listen to music while writing blogs. While writing this blog I was listening to The Killers. 

Thursday, 17 March 2011

What's the point of crushing?

  Today I'm going to let my jaded and vindictive side out. I no longer see the point in crushing. It seems every time I do the person just ends up being a jerk. It's like they are thinking, "Oh, Rahne likes me. Great now I can make her life miserable".
  My best guess is that I must seem clingy in some way when I start to crush. When I crush I try my best to be a really good friend to them. For some reason this never seems to work out. Pretty much any guy I have tried to make friends with, I end up losing contact with.
  Another option is maybe I release some kind of unpleasant pheromone. I don't really know much about these. I'm just trying to understand. I could think up a thousand reasons why my crushes and I never work out. None of these are even slightly realistic.
  Today I have decided all of this wondering and annoyance will come to an end. If I get asked out that's all fine and dandy, but I have had enough longing. There is no point to wishing some guy is going to like you. Chances are it's not going to happen, at least not if you're wishing for it. If I start liking a guy again, I am going to try to ignore my feelings. I am still going to be his friend, I'm just going to cut the conversations short if I start blushing or thinking about how cute he is.
  While this sounded great in my head, it's kind of hard for me. I do not remember a time not having a crush on someone. At this point I have stopped my conscious mind from crushing, my unconscious mind does not seem to want to listen. I'm still having crushtastic dreams. As jaded as my plan sounds, I came up with it on a bad day, and I am tired of disappointment. 
  Doctor Who Quote
Jackie: I'm in my dressing gown.
The Doctor: Yes, you are.
Jackie: There's a strange man in my bedroom.
The Doctor: Yes, there is.
Jackie: Anything could happen.
The Doctor: [looks at her] No. [walks away]
Doctor you know what I'm saying. Just don't ignolage it.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Breaking Down and Teasing All Things Teenager

  Before I begin this rant I want to get one thing straight. I am not some random adult talking about how this generation has gone wrong. I am a random teenager ranting about my own generation. Keeping this in mind, I do know a thing or two about why we do what we do. Most of the things listed here I am proud to say are not a part of my daily life. Here is a list and explanation on annoying teenage habits.
  1) Why do girls go to the bathroom in pairs or groups? I am fairly certain it is not for moral support, or so they can hold hands. As stupid as it sounds, it's usually because they do not want to be ditched. Some are scared that when they return from the washroom their friends will be gone. The other reason is possibly nowadays teens cannot stand to be alone.
  2) What is a frenemy? A frenemy is a stupid concept of a mix between a friend and an enemy. You're either friends or you're not. There is no point to fake a friendship. If you are not fond of them, stop pretending. This is not a stab at you Becca. Many people have friendships that they are miserable in, but they insist on continualy calling them friends anyway.
  3) Why do you have your pants on the ground? At first it was in fashion, and whatever is in fashion people copy. Now that it is no longer in fashion, I have no idea why some still wear their pants like that. If you have any ideas leave a comment.
  4) Why do so many teenagers act promiscuous? There are many teenagers that act appropriatly, and do not get into sexual situations early on. Sadly adults seem to only pay attention to the whores. These slutty girls, and some boys for that matter, give teens a bad name. Patents have you ever thought most of us get this way, because that is all you expect from us. Stop expecting teenagers to act that way and maybe we will learn.
 5) Why do teens always seem to have something electronic on them? As I mentioned in my first rant it seems teenagers prefer to text instead of talking. This is a choice, therefor the blame for this anti-social behavour is our own. Parents, you can help us. Support your child to put the phone down and communicate orally once in a while.
  Well, that's about enough ranting for today. Today's generation has tons of annoying habits, but all are avoidable. All of them except saying like constantly, I don't think there is any hope of that changing soon. Adults, just because we have our flaws does not give you the right to judge us. We are not all the same, give us a break sometimes.

Doctor Who Quote
"Oh look, rocks." Wow doctor great observation.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

The Smile of Villainy

   Every now and then I smile for no apparent reason, simply because I'm in a good mood. Some take this at face value, others find it creepy. Maybe my smile makes me look demented, which is a possibility. This does not seem like a realistic answer, so I am going to try to delve into the mind of these people. Here is a list of what I think they think I am thinking.
1) If she is smiling when she looks at me there may be something on my face.
2) She could be thinking mean, but funny thoughts about me.
3) Maybe she has a crush on me and wants to be more than friends (You wish).
4) It starts with smiling randomly next thing you know she's going to grab a chainsaw (only in my dreams : D)
5) The voices in her head must be making funny jokes again.
   Notice most of those reasons are narcissistic. Sorry, but my thoughts do not revolve around you, random people. Usually I think of me, myself, and Doctor Who. Also just because I say crazy things occasionally, it does not mean I am mentally unstable. Okay, the last sentence may be debatable.
   Start focusing on your own thoughts, and you might find yourself smiling randomly too. When you waste your time, and mine for that matter, by thinking about what I'm thinking and then commenting, you are making number two on my list true.
   Now I'm going to nag myself as well on the following point. When you talk to someone you have a crush on you begin to wonder how much they like you back. Every facial expression is analysed. You start to wonder, "Did that smile mean something?" Calm down, and just enjoy the time you spend together. If your relationship grows it will become evident to you without analysing their every move.
  Stop worrying and start contemplating. Why not ponder life, the universe, and everything. Good luck, and have many happy thoughts.
Doctor Who Quote (From the very first doctor)
Road Works Overseer: "I suppose you think you're very clever."
The Doctor: "Well, without any undue modesty, yes!"

Monday, 14 March 2011

Dedication Destroyed

  You know a team is not going well when it gets shut down because the coaches quit. The same cheer-leading team I was ranting about earlier ended up, well ending. I knew from almost the start that something would happen to end the team early, but I wasn't expecting this.
  When in a team sport the first person needed to keep a team together is a coach. It takes a lot of dedication to take on this responsibility. My coach quit on our team, and because of this I doubt anyone in our entire school will join, or even cheer for a team she coaches. Her lack of loyalty has completely ruined her chances of doing a similar activity. If she stuck with the team I probably would of put up with her for another year, but now I am not certain I will join the team next year.
   Being a coach is not always fun, but that is no excuse. You made a commitment and you stick to it. No one may show up for practices, your team may hate you, and maybe everyone smells funny, but it doesn't matter. You are the authority. Yell at them, befriend them, or throw deodorant at them, just don't quit.
   If you do quit, which is a bad idea, at least properly notify the team. I ended up showing up to two practices after the team ended. I had to wake up an hour early both those days just to wait alone. Sure I got ahead on homework, but you can only get so far ahead on homework. Waiting there for almost two hours for my class to start completely ruined my day on both occasions.
  The second thing you should make sure is organized is refunds. Most of my team has no idea where all the money went. None of our fees are returned, as of yet, and just thinking about this is making me angry. At this point I'm fairly certain I know where the money went. It went straight to their pockets.
   In summary here is a list of things to keep in mind if you are or are going to become a coach.
1) Do not start a team if you are already short on time. Not only do you have to attend every practice, but you also have to take the time to organise them.
2) Push your students to their limit, but be kind about it. You don't want them hating you.
3) Make it clear how important arriving to all practices is.
4) Explain in a detailed note to the parents how every cent of the fees is being spent.
5) Hang in there, and if it gets tough remind them who's boss. Use your common sense, and use your authority wisely. Just try to do better than my coaches.

Unconvenient Vocabulary

   Words that I use daily seem to elude the general population, or at least my class. One of the most shocking of these was during my drama class. We were supposed to all say one good thing about the play we watched. I said, "I enjoyed the segue between musical numbers and scenes". Of course none of them knew the definition I was thinking of (to proceed without pause from one musical number or theme to the next), instead they just thought of the vehicle segway.
   The worst part is when a person hears a new word they try to guess at what it means. This is probably why some of my friends can not understand me half the time. Seeing some people guess the meaning to some words can be hilarious, especially when they try to use it in a sentence themselves.
    As per usual I have an explanation on why youth vocabulary seems to diminish every year. I think it's in the children shows. A plethora of children's shows use simple vocabulary so they can understand. Don't do that. Try to challenge your children instead of just mindlessly entertaining them. If they stop liking television because of this, is that really a bad thing?
   The worst thing you could do for your children is baby talk to them. Children and babies are impressionable, so impress a good example. Don't ask if they want wa-wa ask if they want water, or if you want them to like science ask them if they want Di hydrogen oxide. Speak how you would to anyone else, maybe even try to throw in a couple words you wouldn't even use normally. This is how my mother raised me, and now my vocabulary is excellent, although I admit my grammar is still terrible.
   The effort does not stop when they grow up. Support your children to take an English course every year. With the schools lowering their standards I wouldn't doubt if English soon became an optional course. During the summers try to entice your child into reading or writing. If they do not like reading find a book that fits their other interests and bribe them to reading it. Tell them you'll cook or bake them something special, just give them an opportunity to read. It only takes one good book for someone to get hooked.
    If you try to interest your children in English they will not end up like the people in my drama class. Take the time and teach them how to properly speak their own language. In the end, the time you spent will be worth it.
What's the Word 
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: The fear of long words, coincidentally one of the longest words I know. Good luck reading this if you have this fear.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Christian People Leading Unchristian Lives

  I hate to break it to some people, but Christianity is not genetic. Just because your parents are religious does not automatically make you religious. Sorry, you actually have to participate. Participating is not just going to church either. You have to act christian inside and outside of church.
  I went to a supposedly catholic school, however the people in the school did not act as they should, being christian people. To sort this out now all Catholics are Christians, but all Christians aren't necessarily catholic. Just like all chocolate ice cream, is ice cream, but not all ice cream is chocolate flavoured. Now back to my point. There are too many Christians out there that think if you go to church, or a Christian school apparently, that gives you the right to act Unchristian the rest of the time.
  The ten commandments, ten rules that all Christians are supposed to follow, should not be ignored because you go to church. So what if you repent, essentially say sorry for your sins, if you just go out and do it again the next day. There's no point. Your peers may see you as a Christian person if you do that, but will God?
   God's opinion counts not your friends. People care too much about what others think of them. Some students don't celebrate or admit to celebrating some Christian holidays, because they think they may be looked at funny. That's ridiculous.
   1) Again you're not trying to impress your friends, you are supposed to be pleasing God.
   2) If you are that ashamed of your religion you have a problem.
   3) No one would dare tease you. Bullies tease about physical things, even they know not to go there.
   4) You are just hurting yourself, the experience could have been beneficial.
   Holidays such as lent, Christmas, and Easter can be enjoyed by anyone. Some of your friends may already want to learn more about them. Christianity is a great religion with many great teachings. Things like loving one another. Lent is a holiday where you give up something to make you a better person. These teachings are good for anyone.
   Before you diss your parents religion try researching it first. You may find that the teachings speak to you. Don't knock it until you try it. Until you have actually tried to participate and follow the teachings you have not really tried it. Pretty much all religions have a version of the golden rule, so whatever your religion start by trying to follow this rule. "Treat others the way you want to be treated".

Dr. Who Quote
"Aw, I wanted to be ginger! I've never been ginger! And you, Rose Tyler! Fat lot of good you were! You gave up on me!  Ooh, that's rude. Is that the sort of man I am now? Am I rude? Rude and not ginger."

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Memories Relived

   Failblog, owned websites, some embarrassing nude pictures and this rant all would not exist if not for idiots posting or texting before thinking. Thanks for the good times, but let's end this now.
   Sexting is a new pastime among teenagers. Sexting is essentially heavily flirting via text. Awkward situations can occur when you accidentally send it to the wrong person, such as your parents. Here's a completely made up conversation that could happen.
    Suzy, "Hey big boy we still on for tonight. My lips are dying for some more make-out action."
    Father, "If you mean packing a lunch for tomorrow than yes. By the way you're grounded".
    Oh, that's not great. To think if little Suzy just took a second to check who she was sending the message to, she would not have been in that situation. The better option is to just not send texts like that. Think about it, you may delete that message, but he could keep it in his history forever. How many people are really going to see that picture. "'round and 'round it goes where it stops nobody knows".
    Normal text messaging can be a problem to. Try reading over your texts before you send them. Auto correct and one word spelling mistakes could change the meaning of your texts. Here's some fails that could happen to you.
       "You want to go bang out" (Actually meant hang out)
       "Yeah. My poo isn't green anymore" (meant pool, you can find this fail in seventeen magazine)
    Inappropriate, or just plain gross, either way these people could have been spared. You think before you talk, or at least you should. Well, read before you text.
    Most of these mistakes make their way into the open, because the person was thinking, "I love/ am fond of him/ her so why shouldn't I send that message/ picture". Celebrities are a good, example of this. Most nude pictures you find of celebrities on the Internet were previously owned by their significant other, or so I've been told from sources such as seventeen (I know it's not that reliable, but I think they are right for once).
    Teens, I don't mean to be harsh, but there is a slim chance of you staying with the person you're with now. Keeping that in mind you may want to hold off on the nude pictures until your at least engaged. Even if you're already sexually active, which you shouldn't be, but I'm being realistic, you should not give them nude pictures. They may still describe it to their friends, but at least they don't have picture evidence.
     Think a minute, and use some common sense. To quote an awesome driver's ed teacher, "Don't be stupid, stupid".

Dr. Who Quote
"Allons-y Alonso"

Skankily Clad

    It seems that today's generation does not understand the concept of clothing. My dictionary defines clothing as washable cloth or covering. I define it as cloth that covers your body in order to withstand certain weather conditions. Today's teens define it as, "Anything that makes me look hot. It doesn't have to be cloth".
    I have underwear that cover more than the shorts that some girls wear. My cheer leading uniform made me look like a cheap hooker. Silver skin tight spankies, with shorts that were no longer than the shorts. My somewhat longer underwear would almost stick out, I kid you not. I might have been able to put up with it if not for the sheer tightness of it.
    My cheer team, and most teenagers don't seem to understand the difference between fitted, and grossly tight clothing. My cheer shorts and my top ended up giving me a muffin top and my coaches said I may need tighter clothes. Are they blind? If so they're not the only ones, because you can see teens making the same mistake everywhere.
     The next inappropriate, but popular clothing choice, is see through clothing. If a tank top is worn underneath the clothing it's not so bad, but some girls think differently. As my friend said, "See through means you should see through". Classy, isn't it?
     Boys, don't think you're off the hook. Girls may have you beat in looking like whores (Man whores are hard to come by), but you have your own fashion mistakes. I think everyone knows what I'm talking about here. That's right, I'm talking about the pants on the ground issue. Showing everyone your boxers doesn't make you look cool or sexy, or whatever it is you're going for. Just give it up and wear a belt.
     I've dissed boys and girls, now for something in between. This is the odd fashion created by lady gaga. This new clothing meets pretty much none of the criteria for it to be considered clothing.
1) It's not even made of cloth all the time. (Her cold cut outfit)
2) It doesn't protect you against any weather conditions. It would be hilarious to see someone try to walk through rain in some of those outfits.
3) None of them make her look hot, just strange.
     When you put on an outfit think, "Would I be ashamed to wear this in front of my grandma or grandpa". If so, maybe you should reconsider wearing it. Stop trying to look like a slut for your man, or women and dress for yourself.
Dr. Who Quote
"These buffaloes must be gigantic. So many wings."

Monday, 7 March 2011

Swearing Isn't Caring

   It seems that everywhere you go the f word is there with you. Swears are used almost as often as the word the. They can be used as punctuation, jokes, and even terms of endearment. This really gets on my nerves. Calling your friend the b word is not a compliment.
   Swearing is most noticeable at theme parks, schools, and while in the car with angry drivers. Instead of saying, "My boyfriend is so cute when he snores", teens say, "My B.F is so F***ing cute when he snores." What does that add to your sentence? There is no added information with that word, all it does is make them look immature.
    Teenagers can't even control their language in front of adults anymore. There is almost always one student who swears in class. Teachers are so used to hearing it they don't even notice half the time. Most students have at least one class where they can swear freely. You know there is a problem when swearing has become so commonplace that teens can get away with swearing almost anywhere.
    People say that the swearing is due to pop culture. Stop blaming other people for your mistakes. It is hard to stop once you start, but it is still a choice. If you truly want to stop, you can. The fact that teenagers swear is their own fault.
    I by no means condone swearing, however it's not always the worst, depending on the context. It is incredibly rude, and harsh when people use it as a term of endearment. It is by no means a compliment. When people let a swear or two slip when they get injured, that's not as bad. Even I have had my slip ups when I get hurt.
    It's just common sense. You wouldn't just willy-nilly insult your friends so don't swear at them either. Think before you speak. Just a couple second thought can save you a week long argument.

Doctor Who Quote
"Big, flashy, lighty things have my name written all over them. Well not really, but give me a minute and a crayon."

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Befriending Instead of Teaching

   You always remember those fun teachers that had crazy stories to tell, but when it gets in the way of teaching they have gone too far. There is a difference between using a little humour to entice your students, and spending half the class telling your life story. I hope to show you the reasons why these teachers are annoying, and how to avoid being one.
   I may find teachers who waste my time annoying, but there are many students out there that adore said teachers. These students will do anything to get a teacher rambling. Most of the time if these students are asking about a teachers life outside of school, it's because they do not feel like working. Generally if your students are constantly asking you for stories stop listening. It's not kindergarten story time, they're big kids, who are perfectly capable of working.
   Students come to school in order to learn, or at least that's the general idea. When a teacher tells stories in class all they are doing is taking away from that students learning experience. Students you may think this fine and dandy but have you considered that this may land you with an increased homework load. If by some chance it doesn't it could affect you in future courses and exams.
   In the long run teachers are essentially shooting themselves in the foot, because of these stories. When my teacher told me stories of her in stupid situations, my respect for her dropped drastically. Sometimes the stories just made her seem immature. Seeing a teacher as an immature annoyance is never a good thing. Later I realised that just because she is wasting my class does not mean I have to leave that time wasted.
    I started finishing all my homework in her class. I'm serious. Other than  major projects I almost always managed to finish my homework in class. If that's not a big enough hint saying you're telling too many stories, than I don't know what could make it more clear. Teachers if a student manages to pull out and put away two or three different textbooks that do not belong to your class, start teaching.
    Just remember a short joke here and there is great, but don't go overboard. You are not just hurting your students. Teachers you're hurting yourselves.

Dr.Who Quote
"Amazing race, the weeping angels. Only psychopaths to kill you nicely. No mess, no fuss. They just zap you into the past and let you live to death."

Friday, 4 March 2011

Disorganised Sports

   Before I start writing this I would like to apologize for my last post. There were a few spelling and grammar mistakes that could have been easily avoided. Hopefully these errors will decrease with time. Right now onto today's topic.
   Picture this. Your a young collage student who wants something to do. You think to yourself, "I'm not a bad cheerleader, maybe I should coach a team. I'm sure it isn't too hard". Let's derail that brain train right there. If you think it isn't hard you probably are not considering the following.
1) Teenagers are lazy and need to be motivated to attend practices. (Avoid early morning practices if possible)
2) You need a place to practise your sport. How and where are you going to book that space?
3) You meed to arrange tryouts and make sure enough people arrive to assemble a team.
4)  Registration can be a pain when a bunch of lazy teenagers don't hand in their forms.
5) The most difficult thing is finding prices for all of the needed equipment and reducing the money spent so it is affordable for teenager.
   Most of the elements of organised sports need well-thought  planning. Then there's the people who decide to wing it. They are completely disorganised and have no idea what they are doing. Then they wonder why no one ever shows up to practices. Maybe it's because your unprofessional. No, that doesn't seem right. Well, maybe because you have too many early morning practices. No, there are still dedicated teenagers out there. I know, it's because my cheer team still doesn't know where half it's money is going.
   Yes, all this time I have been talking about a specific cheer team (that will remain unnamed) that has maxed out my anger levels. Although most of this rant is a stab at how annoying this team is, the same thing goes for any team. If you are not responsible, organised, and dedicated do not start a sport.
  As much as my team was annoying I probably could have dealt with it if my coach would have just been realistic with us right from day one. She remained optimistic and kept on saying we would make it to competition (We never did). In my opinion, if she was beginning to doubt this she should have told us that we probably are not going unless we work hard. Not only is this a good motivator, but also we wouldn't have got our hopes up and then dashed.
   All in all, this boils down to thinking before you act. To organise a team sport you should plan the year before. I doubt they planned at all. Learn from their bad example, and avoid angry team mates. Plan every detail in advance.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

My First Rant

     My topic today is technology. I never really cared about it until one magical day I had to write an English exam. Why would this be magical you might ask? Well I'm a nerd, but back to the topic. It got me thinking. Does technology really make our lives better?
     Now certain pieces of technology are awesome to have. Things like x-ray machines and cell phones, but just because they rock doesn't mean everyone needs to use it. For example, if there is no possibility of anything wrong with your brain you wouldn't get a brain scan (That radiation can mess you up). Therefore if your child wants a laptop, but doesn't need one why get them one.
     This brings me to my main point. The area where technology is truly dangerous is in the hands of our youth. Internet safety courses are mandatory in many schools yet either the parents or students still don't get the picture. There are just to many dangers on the Internet to send children out there, which is precisely why you cannot find a lot of personal information on this blog.
     Not only is the Internet straight out dangerous (pedophiles) in my opinion it also promotes anti-social behaviour. Have you ever walked past a line of teenagers, and all of them have their phones out to talk to some far away friend. You think, "Wow, do they realise there's someone behind them they could talk to". When you give your children cellphones, laptops, and various portable electronics you are giving them the tools to do the same thing as those teenagers.
    Lastly for those people that say, "Oh, but it's safer if they have the phone. What if something happened". While that's a great argument and all, but think of this.
1) Payphones still exist
2) Don't have money. Well, I bet your friend has a phone you could use.
3) Socially uninclined. How about good old-fashioned yelling for help?
4)Vocal cords sore. Phone wouldn't be much use either in that case.
     Overall, more people get killed today then when there weren't phones (somewhat due to increased population, but hey I'm trying to make a point). So next time your child, girlfriend, or boyfriend picks up a new gadget how about you ask them. Do you really need that?