Monday, 28 November 2011

In Celebration of An Awesome Movember

My Science teacher wrote this cool song about Movember and if he gets enough views our class may get some candy so check it out.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

The Basics Of Zombie Survival Part 2

 Before we get started let's have a quick recap, last week you learned how to spot the zombie apocalypse, what supplies you should pack and the team that you should assemble. So you have a team now you need to figure out what exactly you're going to do.

Step 4 Making A Plan
  There are many different approaches you can take to try to survive the zombie apocalypse. Here are a few options in order of decreasing likelihood of survival.
1. Wait It Out: Find a safe place and wait for someone else to handle the problem. Hope for a cure or for zombie eradication. For safe house options see Step 5.
2. Keep Traveling In Search Of Society: Chances are your zombie situation may just be a local annoyance. Travel far and wide in search of a zombie less civilization.
3. Find A Cure: Why wait for someone else to solve the problem, find a laboratory somewhere, fortify the building and start researching. Have some friends wrangle you up some zombies as test subjects. It's okay they're restrained so it's safe.
4. Eradicate The Problem: Sure you should probably wait for trained soldiers but you have the motive and the equipment so what the heck let's kill some zombies. Remember to stock up on those guns before you head out there.
5. Make A Peace Treaty: Have you ever actually tried to talk to a zombie, who knows they may be kind-hearted people with an odd taste for brains. Well probably not but there is a possibility you can barter with them. Explain to them that they won't get shot if they only eat the humans given to them. Feed the criminals to the zombies and now you have more space in your jails and happy zombies that don't try to eat everyone. Personally I wouldn't want even criminals being eaten but that could just be me.

Step 5 Where To Stay
 There are several different places you can stay but not all of them are a good idea. Here are the top 10 places you should consider including a couple places that you should not stay.
1. Jail: This is my mom's first pick for a safe house and it's by far the best place to stay. Jails are not only made to keep people in but also to keep people out. Jails can be found outside of largely populated areas making the zombie count lower. Jails are packed with supplies such as food and ammunition. In case of invasion you could have bags of guns with ammunition in various cells throughout the jail so if zombies somehow breach the perimeter everyone can fall back, lock themselves in a cell, and get to shooting. The only downside I can find to this hideout is clearing it out. If the infection made it into the jail then the jail will have a high concentration of trapped zombies. Enter with caution.
2. Farmhouse: This was my original choice for a safe house but the errors in this decision were recently explained to me. The perks of a farm is that you can grow your own food, like a jail there will most likely be guns and ammunition and it's off the beaten track meaning less threat of zombie attacks. Now the downside is that farmhouses are not meant to withstand an attack. You are out in the open and will be forced to fight every time a zombie appears. If you plan on laying low and hiding this may not be the ideal place.
3. High Rise Apartment Complex: If you live in an apartment you are probably thinking about staying in the comfort of your own home. The height does give you an advantage over the zombies but being in a city central can cause problems. As far as I know zombies can't climb but I'm fairly certain they can go up stairs.
4. Mall: A mall has tons of supplies and weapons that you can use but again it will probably be in a densely populated area which is not where you want to be. A mall may not be that easy to fortify because there are a number of entrances that you will need to pay attention to as well as windows and skylights that you will have to protect. There are just too many places for the zombies to enter to consider it safe.
5. Bar/ Pub: The movie Shawn Of The Dead shows the perks and draw backs of this place pretty well but for those of you who haven't watched the movie I'll summarize what the movie shows. First off let's talk about the negatives. Once again it's in a populated area, there are usually windows the zombies can break through and there is not much to eat other than nibbles. The positives are that it has big heavy doors, it's familiar and you can get drunk and forget about the current situation.
6. Top Of A Building: This is fine and dandy as long as you have a way to get back down again to gather supplies. If zombies can't climb and you can get up and down without stairs this could be an ideal spot although personally I'd opt out. Day and night you would hear the moans of zombies surrounding you and with that I doubt even the most courageous and sleepy could get a good night's sleep.
7. Hospital: A place where the sick and occasionally the dead are kept. Sounds like a great place to hide out for a zombie plague. Did you catch the sarcasm? Anyone infected in the early stages of this plague probably went to a hospital to get diagnosed, now all those people are ready to eat your face off as soon as you enter the building. Sure the place has food and first aid kits galore but the zombie concentration is not worth the attempt to use it as a hide out.
8. Rich Person's Mansion: If your number one agenda is to have fun rather than survive than breaking into some rich persons place is a great plan for you. Enjoy the lavish experience while it lasts but remember those regular wooden doors won't hold back the hordes forever.
9. Cemetery: You only need three words to describe this place, Worst Place Ever! The only reason I wrote this one in was to give you a perfect example of what not to do. If the dead are coming back to life the last place you want to be is somewhere with a high concentration of dead people.
10. Phone box: If it's not a T.A.R.D.I.S in disguise just avoid it.

Step 6 Rebuilding Society
For whatever reason the zombie problem has dissipated but now you are faced with the new dilemma of rebuilding your society to the glamor it once was. Personally if the soil was fertile I would start a new life as a farmer and just separate myself from society but it is probably a good plan to help society get back to normal. 
First off you are going to need to decide what your priorities are through a vote. If I had my way my first priority would be to get a hospital running as there will be many survivors who aren't zombies but in need of serious medical care. My next priority would be on making farms and then finally reopening schools. Once people start learning essential skills you will have people back to their jobs and eventually back to their regular lives. 

Alternate Step 6 Your New Life As A Zombie
There is a chance that somewhere along your journey you failed and got eaten but it's not all bad there are some good things about being a zombie. Life as a zombie may get you down but here are ten things to look forward to in your new life as a zombie.
1. You can finally bite all of those people who said bite me.
2. Being a zombie is the best way to get revenge. You don't have morals anymore take this opportunity to attack all those people who have wronged you in the past.
3. No more nasty fruitcake and other unsavory baked goods, you're on a brain diet now.
4. You don't have to worry about your appearance or trying to get out those nasty blood stains because your fellow zombies won't judge you.
5. No more traffic jams. Zombies don't drive cars.
6. If you forget to change your clock at daylight savings time you won't be late for anything.
7. You won't have annoying close talkers around you because people keep their distance from zombies.
8. For the younger readers there are no bedtimes.
9. You can eat your money if you want because the new currency is brains not paper.
10. And best of all you don't have to feel guilty when you forget to write a blog post for a couple of months.

Hey there readers. There will not be another post until next month and I am taking requests. Readers now is the time to have your say, simply leave a comment, anonymous or otherwise, on any post and I will choose one to write about. 

Comic-Con Costumes
Hey readers here's some of the best costumes from my first trip to comic-con. On Saturday I dressed up as an evil fairy and on Sunday I was the fourth doctor but the costumes I saw there were far more creative and intricate than pretty much any costume I've ever owned. The coolest costume I saw was one girl that made a dress to make her look like a T.A.R.D.I.S. There was also a pretty cool dalek dress and there was a man dressed up as a big daddy from BioShock with his little girl dressed as a little sister. There were a couple people dressed up as Shawn from Shawn of the Dead, While there are many people who go all out with their costumes there are still people who decide to opt out. One person I went with wore a blue shirt and told me he was the sky lucky for him he's awesome so he can get away with it. Overall the costumes at comic-con are absolutely amazing.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The Basics of Zombie Survival Part 1

  Recently I went to an awesome event by the name of comic-con and while I was there an interesting question was raised. How exactly are you supposed to survive the zombie apocalypse? A while back I went through the absolute basics on how to survive the zombie apocalypse in my post Zombies & You but I think all of those that read it would agree that that is hardly enough information to survive this catastrophic event. Today I'm going to take another stab at explaining how to survive this catastrophic event and even delve into what happens after, but before you worry about how to survive you are going to have to detect that there is a problem in the first place. 

 Step 1 Recognizing The Problem
There are ten main ways to tell if your home is being invaded by zombies and here they are:
1. Increased number of missing people or cattle
2. Reports of science experiments gone wrong
3. People keep getting sick and then are never seen alive again
4. Your friends seem especially 'bitey'
5. There is an increase of pale and blood covered people
6. You can not go far without hearing moans for brains
7. The people you hit with your car keep getting back up
8. There is no raw meat left at the grocery store
9. Your yard is filled with half chewed corpses
10. You stopped receiving calls from telemarketers.
Now that you have recognized the problem it's time to gather some basic supplies.
 Step 2 Gathering Supplies
While the bigger plan is to hole up somewhere with lots of supplies available there are some things you are going to need for the journey and they include
1. Non-perishable food items. It's going to be a long trip and unlike your zombie friends you can not just nibble on your friends arm when you get hungry.
2. Bottled water. There are no humans taking care of the plumbing so chances are it's in disrepair. You have no idea when you are going to run across a stream of clean water so best come prepared. If the tap water is working don't use it for all you know that's what started the disease in the first place.
3. Rope: With all those broken limbs zombies can find it difficult to climb so it's always good to get onto some high ground for a quick getaway. Rope can help you get up and get down from your treetop hideaways.
4. Map & Compass: You may not know where you want to go yet but once you figure it out you're are going to need to find out how to get there.
5. Matches or Flint: After a while your food supply will run out forcing you to hunt. Once you start hunting your going to need to cook and for that you need fire.
6.Guns: Once you find zombies you will want to kill them from a distance and this is when guns come in handy. The bigger the gun the worse it is. Firstly bigger guns like shot guns hold less bullets so you will be forced to reload more often, secondly they are heavier and therefore highly impractical for on the run situations, and finally the bigger the gun the more kick it has which can lead to bruising. While a big gun may seem a comfort it is far smarter to stay with something tiny like a semi-automatic pistol until you find a place to settle down.
7. Blunt Object: Bullets run out so it's always good to have a backup plan for when those hoards of zombies come running.
8. First Aid Kit: Chances are that however careful you are you are still going to get injured so you must be prepared for a variety of injuries.
9. Clothes: If you live in a cold place like Canada you know how brutal it can be to be caught out in the cold. Wear layers and pack extra sock and other clothing items. Don't worry about fashion the zombies won't mind as most of their clothes have those nasty blood stains that are so hard to get out, instead focus on durability. Who knows when you will have the chance to restock your clothing supply.
10. Deck of Cards: Life sucks when people are trying to eat you but you need to have fun if you want to stay sane. There are a variety of card games you can play with a deck of cards to occupy your time and keep your mind off those hungry undead.
Once you get all your supplies it's time to gather a group after all there is safety in numbers.

 Step 3 Finding Your Survival Group
Now there is safety in numbers but you should keep your numbers to a minimum as a large group can slow you down when it comes to traveling. When it comes down to it there are only five people you really need.
1. Survivalist: To get to your destination and to just survive in general you will need someone with basic wilderness training. When supplies are low this person can lead you to food when you would otherwise go hungry. A human cannot  go long without food so do not underestimate the knowledge of which berries are poison and which are food. This person should also know how to trap animals, start a fire, and make a basic shelter.
2. Navigator: You may have a map and compass on you but that doesn't mean you know how to read them take the time to make sure you have someone who can actually read a map.
3. Medic: As I mentioned before it doesn't matter how careful you are you are still going to get injured or sick and you will need someone to treat you. While someone with basic medical training will do it's better to get an actual doctor as their medical training may help you find a cure for the zombies later on.

4. Bodyguard: It's a dangerous world out there with all those flesh-eating monsters so it's a good idea to have someone who knows how to defend themselves to look out for the rest of you. Try to find someone who is good at long range attacks as a judo expert will do you no good in a zombie fight.
5. Leader: The world is already chaotic your team shouldn't be as well. In order to keep the peace someone should be put in charge who can keep there calm, think rationally, and make quick decisions. Choose someone optimistic for this role as their mood can determine the whole morale of your group.
You have a team but where are you going to go, how are you going to get there and what are you going to do once you find a safe place? Find out the answers to these questions and more in my next post.

Blog News
  Hey everybody I'm back after a much needed but completely undeserved break. Instead of writing almost everyday and then burning out like last time I will be changing the blog to either a monthly or bi-monthly endeavor. I would like to say a quick thanks to the loyal followers I have that kept checking my blog for updates even though I hadn't put up a new posts for months. You guys are just awesome.

How To Survive Zombies Doctor Who Style
Hop on your T.A.R.D.I.S and escape to a different planet. 

Thursday, 21 July 2011

An Ode To Tea & T

   Today's post comes in two parts. Part one is my ode to the letter T. There are so many amazing words that start with the letter T that make me just love this letter. As a big thank you to this letter I will list my favourite words that begin with T.
   1. Timelord: Of course my favourite alien species would be my top favourite T word. These two hearted, Gallifreyan geniuses are amazing. Their travels through time and space are renowned throughout the universe. Timelord travels brings me onto my next T word. P.S before someone thinks I'm insane this is all from my favourite television series Doctor Who.
   2. T.A.R.D.I.S: Wow, this space ship is bigger on the inside. The best thing about the T.A.R.D.I.S (Time and relative dimension in space) is that it's essential a mansion in a box. New rooms are constantly being added and the outside still stays small. How awesome is that? Not only do they travel through space but they also look like my next word.
   3. Telephone Box: I don't just find this object cool because it's Doctor Who related, I love them because they look pretty darn cool. The old fashioned European boxes look classy on the side of roads. I think that they add a bit of character to what would normally be just a normal street. Plus in Doctor Who they are used for...
   4. Time Travel: While this may seem to be a fictitious concept it is actually a plausible thing. A YouTube person by the name of Charlie puts time travel in perfect layman's terms. He is topless for part of the video. You have been forewarned. Here is the link.
   5. Teleport: I don't know if this would be plausible like time travel but it's pretty darn cool. It would save so much time if you could just instantly travel anywhere. All I can say is beam me up Scotty.
   6. Telekinesis: This is the ability to move objects with psychic powers. While I don't believe this exists outside the confines of novels and movies many believe that this supposed power is real and can even be taught. I have trouble thinking this is true because with the effects available today it is far to easy to fake these 'powers'. I guess it's up to you to decide whether this is fact or fiction, but no matter which it is it's still an interesting idea.
   7. Mr. T: Team America member, Mr.T, is a well known character that has to be mentioned in a list of all things T. His Mohawk and mad fighting skills allowed him to squirm his way into the heart of many. I pity the fool who doesn't love the letter T.
   Now onto part 2, Tea.
   Up until recently I was not overly fond of tea until I tried Earl Grey. Maybe my taste buds are just too dull but most herbal teas taste the same to me. There are other teas such as chai that have a distinctive taste that can not be confused with other teas, but I have trouble getting used to the odd flavours.
   After I took a liking to Earl Grey (with one sugar) I began to enjoy other teas as well. Personally I still prefer Earl Grey or lemon flavoured herbal teas, but I now understand why people like tea. I still don't get why people put milk in their tea though.
   I doubt I would be able to drink traditionally chai because of the milk. Chai usually either has milk added after it has been steeped or the milk is boiled in while steeping is happening along with various spices. The only hot drink that should have milk is hot chocolate. Putting milk or cream in tea just tastes weird. Tea should be a light and subtle flavoured drink not a creamy, frothy mixture. Milk and froth should be saved for the disgusting beverage by the name of coffee.
   When it comes down to it if it isn't Earl Grey it probably isn't my cup of tea.

Quote From My Mom
This isn't word for word but you'll get the gist of it. This was said when my mom was trying to explain to me how crazy she will become when she gets older.
"Stop staring at me cookies. Those oreos look like they have eyes, like they're staring into your soul."
Darn those evil oreos.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Fun In The Water

   Before I start this post I would like to apologize for the lack of post yesterday. In celebration of 500 views I decided to switch things up and make a video. I'm sad to say the video did not load. Hopefully some time in the future it will load. As this was a technical error that I spent a lot of time trying to correct I will not be counting it against me in my tally. Now on to my topic of fun things to do in water.
   1. Marco-Polo: For those who don't know Marco-Polo is a game where one person closes their eyes and tries to find the other people who try to avoid the person who has their eyes closed. The person with their eyes closed is deemed it and proceeds to find the others by calling Marco and the others reply polo. This is super fun if you have trust worthy friends. If you can not trust your friends don't play, because this game gives them an opportunity to easily ditch you.
   2. Kayaking/ Cannoeing: Going out on a boat that you actually have to paddle is both a good work out and a rewarding experience. They are more quiet than motor boats and are therefore the perfect pick for a nature lover. Sit, paddle and enjoy nature.
   3. Floating: Laying back and simply floating around can be fun if your tired or you have someone that is fun to converse with. Sometimes it's better just to relax.
   4. Competitions: Who can swim to the pier first? Why not find out? Letting out your competitive side can be a good conversation starter later. Competitions are also a great way to break the ice with people you don't know so well. They may not want to talk to you but they will probably accept a challenge. Who knows, it may lead to a long lasting friendship.
   5. Tanning: I don't see the point in it but some people like it, so I guess it should be here.
   6. Slow-Mo Fights: It is 20 times easier to have an awesome slow-mo kung fu fight when your waist high in water. When you get 'attacked' you can float back to make it look like you got sent flying. Also the resistance of the water makes you go a bit slower anyway, so even a real fight is a bit slower.
   There are many fun water related activities out there and these are just a few. May your beach adventures be filled with cool water related activities.

Torchwood Quote
This Doctor Who spin off is filled with innuendo but hidden beneath the inappropriate themes are a few funny quotes. Here are two that I liked.
(Gwen is attempting to shoot a gun and not doing so well)
Gwen: I'm sorry, it's just... I don't even kill spiders in the bath.
Jack: Nor do I. Not with a gun.

Jack: Run a full check. Births, marriages, deaths. Criminal record, passports. However long it takes, wherever he is, we'll find him.
Owen: Found him.... He's in the phonebook.

(Sometimes it's better to do things the old fashioned way instead of using fancy technology)

Monday, 18 July 2011

The Horror of Reading Minds

   One terrifying thought that goes through my head on a regular basis is how horrible it would be if someone could read my mind. I think that people would no longer consider me too nice if they could read my mind as it is a weird and scary place.
   Out of parnoia I sometimes think about why it's mean for people to read my mind. That's right I give potential mind readers guilt trips. I'm prepared for evil mind readers bwa ha ha. My mind isn't actually that bad of a place. Most of the time I'm thinking up dance moves and random stuff to write or make videos about.
   I honestly don't insult people tons in my head, it's my odd scenarios that play on like evil background music that I wouldn't want anyone seeing. I am a huge fan of sci-fi adventures so my head is filled with time travel and shooting aliens. If someone had the power to mind read and I was in the middle of a conversation and they decided to lose their powers it could shock them. Can you imagine being in a conversation with someone and all of a sudden you see them shooting something because you accidentally looked in their head. Not exactly a good moment.
   Apart from the disturbing movie sequences that play in my head I do think of mean things in my head as well. My main stress manager is to swear or insult the person I'm annoyed with. I can think up some pretty insulting comments. A person with an open mind may even get annoyed at me less if they realised just how many come backs I bite back. Although even in the confines of my head I feel bad about insulting people, so I usually rationalize after about why the person is a good person and why I shouldn't be annoyed.
   I don't fantasise about boys and I guess the insults wouldn't get me into that much trouble, the thoughts that I really don't want anyone hearing is my random nerdiness. People already look at me funny for being odd and nerdy. When I'm incredibly bored I start to ponder random math questions and try to remember what I learned in school. I guess it's kind of silly to think this is the worst but there it is.
   So my head is an interesting place, and I'm sure yours is too. Let's just hope no one figures out how to get into others heads, because that may be helpful to solve crimes but overall it would super suck.

Still 12 posts behind, big surprise. This was supposed to be Saturday's post just forgot to click publish.

Distraction of the Day
While writing this posts I promptly got distracted by Charlie McDonnell the YouTube guy. Ironically the distraction started with his video talking about procrastination. Why does he have to be so personable? Grr, distractions!

Friday, 15 July 2011

In The Absence of Dinner

   Almost every street that you drive by is cluttered with restaurants. With all of these packed restaurants does anyone eat with their family at home anymore?
   Eating out with your family isn't necessarily a bad thing. At least you are eating together right. No, eating out is not the problem with people's dinner habits. What bugs me is when families never eat together and when they do the T.V is on so everyone has to keep quiet.
   I believe the evening meal should be a social event with either friends or family, and occasionally both. You probably just spent the whole day either at work or at school and therefore away from your family. The evening meal is the perfect time to catch up with your friends in family and find out what happened in their day. Meals should be anything but quiet. In my opinion something is seriously wrong if you spend a whole meal in silence.
   Not only is a meal at home good for your social life but it's also quite good for your health. As long as you don't cook with a pound of butter most things you make at home are going to be better for you then things you would just pick up at some fast food place or even order at a restaurant for that matter. Home cooked meals just taste better especially when my parents make them.
   I understand that not all families have the opportunity to eat together at the same time, but when you can you defiantly should. I think you'll find that a meal together is a fun meal.

I'm 12 posts behind. I'm considering adding the occasional video to this blog. Please vote in the poll to the right on what kind of videos you would like to see.

Random Information
Today I was listening to Weezer songs while writing this, but I got distracted by a music video with the muppets and Weezer. Oh, the joys of YouTube.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Shopping Fun?

   I honestly can't understand the fun of shopping or window shopping for that matter. You walk around a store watching your money get whisked away. You walk past shelves of things that would be neat to have but you know that you don't need them so you just keep walking. Tell me where is the fun in all that, because I can't find it.
   I don't mind shopping for books or magazines because if you really like them you could probably look for them at a library later. Shopping for groceries, shoes, and clothing drives me nuts. When I shop for clothes I end up with messed up hair and a bit of a complex. Maybe it's just me but it seems clothing is getting smaller and skankier. There are so many outfits that had cool designs but were skin tight and see-through so I didn't get them.
   When it comes to shoes I'm a bit picky. I hate high heels with a passion and I'm not to fond of platform, wedges, or flip flops. That essentially leaves flats and sandals. It is difficult for me to find a shoe that both looks good and is comfortable. When I finally find this amazing shoe that is both comfortable and good looking it deteriorates fast. My favourite pair of shoes started coming apart after around two months of use, and then it's time to go through the whole painful shopping process again. Clothing and shoe shopping is not as bad as grocery shopping.
   How can buying food make you anything other than hungry? I know people who could spend hours in a grocery store and marvel at how yummy the food looks. Wow it's food how interesting. Stop looking at it and buy it and eat it already. When it comes right down to it watching grass grow is far more entertaining than going shopping unless you have friends who can somehow make the experience fun.

Grr, I'm 12 posts behind.

Doctor Who Quote
Two quotes from the fourth doctor both using common phrases.
The Doctor: First things first, but not necessarily in that order.
The Doctor: Don't cross your bridges before they're hatched.

Monday, 11 July 2011

My Top 10 Pet Peeves

   I am a very easily aggravated person, which is made extremely obvious when I start to list off the many things that annoy me. While most things I can ignore these ten just drive me nuts. The worst part is I know someone who does 8 out of ten of these things. I am learning to deal with my anger, but until I get this perfected I'm going to express my frustration towards these ten things.
   1. Diction: There are some words that I just can't stand to hear. Mostly it's just words that have to do with stool or sex, but there are other words that I simply don't like the sound of. Pretty much any baby talk word falls into this category. Now I'm a fan of making up words, but there's a difference between cool made up words and a messed up pronunciation of a word. Changing the pronunciation isn't doing anyone any favours. If anything baby talk is only going to end up making your babies have trouble talking when they are older. Just speak like a normal person.
   2. Dinner Table Manners: A meal together as a family is a fun bonding experience when the people eating with you have basic manners. There is nothing that is more annoying at the dinner table than loud chewers that eat with their mouth full of food. I actually don't mind seeing their chewed up food it's the sound that gets on my nerves. Every time I hear that disgusting chewing sound I just want to throw food at them. If they sound like a pig they may as well look like one. As annoyed as I sound I keep my mouth shut when I hear this sound and continue on with my meal.
   3. Speaking Like You're Not There: Some people have a habit of asking other people's opinion of what you like while you're still there. It goes something like this:
"Do you think Rahne likes fish?" -Suzie
"Maybe, but I'm not sure" -Chloe
"Um... Why don't you ask me?" I think.
   4. Whispering: Being a person who was made fun of a lot when I was younger I become extremely paranoid when I see people whispering. I find myself wondering what they're saying and wondering if it has anything to do with me. Knowing how stressed out and paranoid seeing other people whisper makes me I detest it when others whisper to me, even when others are not around. It reminds me of how I felt when I thought that people were talking about me behind my back and I was right most of the time. I don't want others to feel like me, but I go overboard and get slightly angry when I hear others whisper. If you need to say something serious to me that no one else can hear wait until we're alone, or figure out an excuse so that we can be alone.
   5. Hovering: I am honestly scared when I turn around to find someone standing over my shoulder. I am a jumpy person who has watched too many horror movies, so people can not sneak up on me or stand menacingly over my shoulder. It ruins my focus to the point where I can't even do simple math problems or write an essay. I need to learn to deal with this one because during class a teacher occasionally wants to watch you work over your shoulder, and I look mighty silly when I stop suddenly as soon as the teacher approaches.
   6. Telling You What You Want: Have you ever had a friend that thought they knew you better than you know yourself? Well I have. I would tell them for example I like carrots and they would say something like, "No you don't you like asparagus". I'm sorry but since when did you steal my taste buds and opinions. I'm fairly certain I know what I like. It's not like I have a personality problem. I am proud to say there is only one of me no voices in my head... anymore.
   7. Interrupting: While I, myself, am guilty of this pet peeve being a hypocrite is not on this list so I can still say it bugs me. It's kind of weird but I prefer to get a whole sentence out instead of having to start it up five time because someone else had to but in. It's gotten to the point where I refuse to restate my point if I get interrupted. I get do tired of repeating myself I prefer to be silent then go through all the trouble.
   8. When Dangerous Objects Are Left Out: I have lost count of the number of times that I have found lighters, matches, knives, and other various sharp objects strewn around my house. Sure we don't have kids over all the time, and I'm old enough to know not to play with knives or light a fire in the house without some marsh mellows to roast, but we do have a plethora of pets. Our three cats attack everything and I can just imagine one of them trying to eat a lighter and then drinking up the fluid that came out of the cracked shell, or falling on a box cutter while fighting. There's always a possibility I could step on one of these objects as well, especially since I don't usually pay attention to where I step.
   9. Someone Teases You About Your Appearance Right Before You Go Out: Your going for a night out and you want to look presentable. You go up to a friend and ask them their opinion on your outfit in order to make sure you're good enough for the event. Maybe they're trying to be funny or maybe they're getting revenge when they decide to be cheeky and make fun of your outfit instead of being supportive. This is so disheartening because this is one time that you want approval, but instead of being nice and saying that you're pretty they tell you that you look bad.
   10. Someone Talks About Someone Else When They're Right There: When insulting someone you can't just assume that the other person can't hear you. If the person you are talking bad about is in the same room as you it's best to take a rain check on the insult. This also counts if the person's family or friends are there. Even if you hate the person it's better for both you and them if they don't know that.
   As you can tell I get annoyed easily, but I'm not the only one with pet peeves. If you take the time and make a list of all the little things that bug you, I think you'll find that your list is just as big if not bigger than mine.

Seeing as my lists are usually of 5 and this one is 10 I am counting this as 2 posts. I am now 11 posts behind.

Doctor Who Quote
Drax: Blimey, it's a dog. Who's a little tin dog then?
K-9: Your silliness is noted.

Friday, 1 July 2011

The Good Samaritan

   A few days ago I came across a man passed out on the steps of a house for sale. He turned out to be in a drunk stupor but from afar he looked dead. I watched as many passed by this man no one stopping to see if he was alright. He could have been dead or dying, but everyone just passed him by thinking it's not their problem. If someone is hurt and you can do something about it, then it is your problem.
   My grandma, grandpa and I went to see if this man was okay, and while he was snoring, and therefore alive, he would not wake to any amount of noise or proding. Out of concern and I'm guessing a little disgust my grandma phoned the police. It turns out the police were looking for him. I have no idea what was going on, but the police arrived and did not just give him a talking to or drive him home. The police arrested this man for crimes I do not know about. The point is you can't just assume that someone is okay if they are lying sleeeping on a doorstep.
   Many students today know basic first aid including C.P.R. It's my opinion that many lives could be saved not by learning first aid but by actually having the guts to put the training to use. If you are too scared to approach someone who needs help you might as well not know the first aid information. It can be scary and down right terrifying to help someone you don't know. For all you know they could jump up and attack or injury you is some way. I get why people might fear this as I currently live in the murder capital of Canada, but it's worth taking risks if you save someone's life or at least give them a higher chance of survival. Next time you see someone laying on the street take a chance and safe a life. They may not be as okay as they appear.
Off of vacation now, and ready to catch up on those 8 posts.

Doctor Who Quote
The fourth doctor being ridiculous as per usual.
The Doctor: Why don't you give me the gun and then I can keep an eye on myself so I don't get up to any funny business.

Monday, 27 June 2011

On vacation

I'm going to be away and not blogging for 1 week. After this I will most likely be blogging normally for the remainder of summer.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Paying Attention to the Details

   My favourite films, video games, and books all have one thing in common, and that is they all pay attention to the details. They pay attention to basic guidlines that they set for themselves and that are already set by science. Nothing annoys me more than when either a writer or a director goes against these rules without any reason.
   Fiction or not I get annoyed when books and movies stray too far from reality. If they go against simple scientific concepts such as gravity they better have a good reason, and that reason should be well explained. In books and movies that include magic I like the limitations of the magic and how it is used to be explained. Exactally how much can be controlled by this magic? If there are no rules or limitations on superpowers in books or movies I end up becoming too frusterated to watch or read it the whole way through.
   I dislike mystery novels and movies but at the same time I can tolerate them because they describe and show every bit of scenery. While I like descriptions mystery novels give the answers too often and don't leave enough to the imagination. In other words there is not always enough mystery in the mystery genre.
   When it comes right down to it there are two reasons why people don't include details. It's either sheer laziness or greed. It's far less expensive to make a simple game with plain backgrounds than taking the time to add little trees and shrubbery. If it's a monty python video game, which would be cool, shrubbery would actually play an important role. What else would appease the knights who say Ni.
   I just think that mmore people should put some effort in and add extra details, however meaningless they may appear.

Doctor Who Quote
An interesting quote from the very first doctor.
Barbara: Is it frozen?
The Doctor: No, impossible at this temperature. Besides, it's too warm.

How To Dress Like A Time Lord

   As I have mentioned several times before I am a fan of the hit BBC T.V series Doctor Who. A Time Lord is a super intelligent alien who can travel through time and space. They are originally from a planet called Gallifrey. Also when a Time Lord is killed they regenerate and essentially bring themselves back to life. There are many components of a Time Lord that are interesting, but one of the coolest things about them is their fashion sense. Here are some general rules to follow when trying to dress like a Time Lord or Lady.
   1) Make Sure You Like Your Outfit: Time Lords rarely change their clothes and when they do it's usually only a silly costume or a different colour of the same original outfit. You should pick something versatile that will fit for various occasions, and is comfortable for running. You don't want to get a high heel stuck in the mud when a Dalek pops up.
   2) Make It Practical: As I mentioned before Time Lords find themselves in many troubling situations so you need to be able to run. Comfortable foot wear is a key component to your Time Lord outfit. Don't worry your shoes don't have to match the rest of your clothes in fact it's better if they don't. Try to avoid long flowing outfits as they can become caught in ship engines and other such space items. Long scarves are an exception to this rule because their good qualities far out weigh the bad. They can tie up aliens, save a drowning victim, and be unravelled so as to find your way through a maze.
   3) Don't Match Anything: You are an intelligent 900 something Time Lord so you're past the point of caring what other people think of your outfit. You like those lime green pants, but you also like your neon orange turtleneck just wear them both. Don't worry about how the different components look together just think about whether you like the different components separately then wear them together. Wearing colours that don't match may scream Time Lord but at the same time pay attention to rule 1. If you don't like miss-matched colours don't do it because whatever you choose you're going to be wearing until your next regeneration.
   4) Your Outfit May Stay The Same But Accessories Can Change: When you wear the same outfit or variations of the same outfits it's fun to spice up your wardrobe with some neat accessories. The personality of a Time Lord can be stored in a watch so a pocket or wrist watch can be a perfect accessory. Time is in the title Time Lord so whatever time piece broken or not is fine. Accessories should have a purpose, for example a stick of celery that detects certain potentially poisonous gasses in the Praxis System. Once again it's all about practicality. If you are a Time Lady try some chunky or gaudy jewelry. Overly long necklaces and super thick bracelets can be a nice add on to an outfit.
   5) Be Unique: Not everyone has the potential to be a Time Lord so not everyone should look like one. If you walk down the street you should not see others wearing the same outfit as you. Seeing as you travel through time and space simply wearing retro clothing will not guarantee individuality. You must wear something that has never been fashionable at any time or wear something that can not be found in stores. Avoid name brands at all costs. Wearing a shirt that says Tommy Hilfiger or Lulu Lemon is about the most UnTime Lord thing you could possibly do.
   In summary be practical, be unique and most of all have fun with it.

Video Game Review
I have almost finished Kingdom Hearts for a second time, except this time it's on challenge mode. This game is associated with Disney and includes many of their characters, as well as some of my favourite characters from the Final Fantasy video game series. The graphics in this game are great although they can't beat God of War, but I'm pretty sure it was made before God of War. The storyline is enticing and makes you want to keep playing. While the regular mode is extremely easy the challenge mode is difficult for even experienced gamers. The battle style is similar to games like God of War but without the gore. The game stays appropriate and is therefore fun for a variety of ages. Even the mini games are entertaining. Usually I skip over mini games, but for this game I make an exception. I'm not fond of jumping around in this game but I only complain because I'm not too good at it. I am proud to award this game my first 5/5.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Why Is YouTube So Addictive?

   I find it is extremely easy for most people, occasionally including myself, to waste hours of time on YouTube or just watching online videos in general. The site YouTube has addictive qualities about it, but videos are just overall an easy thing to waste time on. How many of you have lost track of the time while watching a screen such as T.V? I bet all of you have at least once. To make sure I don't ramble too much I will be talking about specifically YouTube videos today.
  1) Special Effects: In videos you can add in actions and throw things at the camera in order to keep the watchers attention. In a blog post the best I can do is put in brackets (whip 14 foot scarf over head). You may get the gist of my action by putting it in brackets, but it would be far more interesting to actually see this amazingly long scarf whip majestically in the wind, which it does.
  2) Appeals To More Senses: In a blog post all you can do is look at the words and maybe visualise what it looks like, while in a video you can see and hear exactly what it looks like. I can try my best to describe something to you, but if I'm bias about the object I'm describing you could end up with a faulty image of what I am trying to describe. Videos can help with some things that are indescribable such as a sunset. Honestly I prefer reading but I am aware that many people would rather see things for themselves instead of having things described to them.
  3) It's Easier For Fans To Get Obsessive: To prove my point on this I am going to use the You Tuber Charlie is so cool like for an example. If you were a young teenage girl reading the sentence Hi, my name is Charlie written by him, your not going to think, "Wow, he's my future boyfriend, look at his writing it's so sexy." Now if you watch him say, "Hi, my name is Charlie", and hear his accent and see his cute face, then you may become a tad bit obsessive.
  4) There Are Links To More Videos: You start off searching for one video and end up watching twenty because after every video there are links after as well as links in the sidebar that all relate to the current video that you are watching. The links have interesting titles that intrigue the viewers of the first video to find out what this other video is all about.
  5) It's Used and Referred To Often: I have watched online videos in various classes at school and I have quite a few friends who watch and talk about online videos on a regular basis. With so many people watching and finding videos that they want to share the time being wasted tends to add up.

Oi Becca guess what, I'm eight posts behind. Seeing as it's summer holidays for me I will be writing shorter posts. Also I may consider adding some videos on. Put some input in the comments.

Doctor Who Quote
A quote from the ninth doctor.
Mickey: I bet you don't even remember my name!
The Doctor: Ricky.
Mickey: It's Mickey!
The Doctor: No, it's Ricky.
Mickey: I think I know my own name!
The Doctor: You think you know your own name? How stupid are you?

Monday, 13 June 2011

On Vacation

  To my avid readers, I regret to inform you that my next blog post will not be until after exams on June.23. Depending on my schedule and my amount of laziness I may put out a new post earlier. Feel free to look through the archive in the sidebar to read past posts.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Exam Cram

   It's that time of year again when all the little boys and girls stay up late and cram for the exams that they seem to have forgotten about yet again. Twice every year these horribly long tests find out just how much information the students actually retained. Most of planet Earth, and I both dread this time of year, but it really isn't too bad if you're prepared. Seeing as they come around the same time every year they can't exactly catch us off guard, so students have no excuse for being unprepared.
   What I like to start doing around a month before exams is briefly summarize my courses. For chemistry I separated my notes into Definitions, Concepts, Equations, and People. From there I separated it further into the different units. It takes time to make these kind of notes, but it isn't too difficult. All you have to do is re-read your notes and write down whatever you find unclear in your own words. This is a one person study method, but some people prefer to work in groups so what do they do.
    Flashcards can be a fun, fast way to study with friends, but if you're willing to put some effort in Jeopardy is far more fun. Here is a quick tutorial on how to make a game board on Power point. Corresponding pictures are shown below the steps.
     Step 1) When you first open PowerPoint there should be a toolbar along the top of the screen. Click on the insert tab and from there click on insert table (highlighted) and add however many rows and columns as you need categories and questions.
     Step 2) Add categories, by left clicking on a cell, across the top and point value below so points can be counted. (Whoever gets the question right gets the points, for those of you who haven't watched Jeopardy)
     Step 3) Right click on cell and scroll down to add hyperlink. (I can't seem to get a picture of this)
     Step 4) Click place in this document and choose slide with the question that corresponds to the original box that you right clicked on.
     Step 5) Insert a slide under the home tab (This step should have probably been second) after the question with the answer to the question written.
     Step 6) Continue Step 3-5 for all of the other cells in the graph. After you have finished Save(Highlighted) and play the PowerPoint for your friends by clicking from the beginning (Highlighted) in the toolbar under Slideshow.
     For an extra added touch try adding music under the insert audio (you can see this in the Step 1 picture).
Now for the picture tutorial:

    As much as studying is important I think the most important thing is to stay calm and don't stress yourself out too much. As my mom says, "If you overwork your brain you won't retain the information". Plus if you are stressed during the exam you will end up changing your answers which usually leads to more wrongs answers than right ones. To calm yourself during an exam try sucking on candy. Also people say do the easy questions first, I think the opposite should be done. Start with the difficult ones until they are starting to stress you out then switch to easy ones for a bit of a break. I know this strategy works for me, but it may not work for you.
   All you can do is try your best. Study hard, keep calm and you should be fine for whatever exam comes your way. Good luck!

This is Thursday's post. I owe you eight posts, and there is a strong possibility there will not be a post tomorrow. Before you post a blog entry you can add a location. Just to be weird I tried to say I was in the middle of the Pacific ocean, but it wouldn't let me. I'm a little disappointed.

Fun Stuff
I love having parties for the weirdest things. When my 19th birthday comes around I am planning on having a B.Y.O.L party. You have to bring something that starts with an L. I know some friends will bring liquor, but seeing as my friends are super nerds, I bet most will bring light sabers.

Fun With The Elderly

   Most youth today find old people boring, and dread their visits to grandma or grandpa's house. They don't understand the buckets of fun they are missing out on. Seeing as the elderly have lived so long they have so much to tell us, and show us. Sometimes it can be a tad bit boring for a few when grandma goes on a tangent and a simple question goes into an hour long story, but that's no different then a couple friends of mine, so it's not just because they're old. There are many things to do with old people and here are just a few.
   Learn A New Skill: We all have talents, but the older you are the more time you have to perfect that talent. For example my grandpa can play several instruments including piano and accordion. If you hum him any tune he can play it on both of the a-fore-mentioned instruments. Old people are much more patient making them incredible teachers. Find something your grandparent is an expert in and get them to teach you. It will be a great bonding experience that you can both share, and they may even start telling you their life story.
   Hear A Tale: For some reason this is the part that a couple of my fellow teenagers find boring. They don't want to hear about the lives of the elderly. With the fading memories of age, comes ever-changing stories. While trying to remember what really happened they may come up with surprisingly entertaining stories, and even if they don't the amount they have lived there is bound to be something interesting. If you don't want to get bombarded with every detail of their life then lead the conversation. Direct it to topics that you're interested in and maybe discuss the difference between now and then. Personally I like asking about jobs. I once found someone that, when they were young, was paid to put puzzles together in order to make sure all the pieces were there. It's also kind of interesting to hear what the wages were then compared to now.
   There's Always A Second Chance: Most old people have trouble hearing, which is a great advantage to teenagers who have trouble keeping swears in. If you mumble anything you will probably be asked to repeat it, this gives you the opportunity to think about your words a bit more and maybe change them up a bit. Just don't try to get away with mumble insulting them thinking they can't hear anything you say, because one it's rude, and two they can still see your lips moving. Being ancient they have had time to practice reading people's lips so be wary, their deafness may not always excuse swearing mishaps.
    They Can Show You New Ways of Entertainment: They most likely have different taste in music and had fun in different ways then you when they were young. Give their music a try no matter how odd it sounds at first, you may start to like it. I started liking polka music, because of my cool grandpa. I also went to a roller rink because I heard it from an old person, don't remember who though. I had no idea roller rinks existed outside of movies before I heard an old person talking about them.
    Overall they have so much to say and teach, all we have to do is listen. They may look different than you, but at one point there was a person there just like you, and that person is still a part of who they are today. If you look hard enough I think you'll find that you have more similarities than differences.

I'm eight posts behind. Grr exams are coming up. Depending on how busy this makes me I may have to cut back on my number of posts.

Doctor Who Quote
The fourth doctor is an old person who can introduce you to the wonderful candy called jelly babies. For those of you who are unaware what a jelly baby is it's kind of like a gummy bear.
The Doctor: Guard of honour? You're not fit to guard a jelly baby! Would you like a jelly baby?

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Finding Your Own Writing Style

   English courses in school are the perfect opportunities to find your own writing style mainly because they force you to write in different ways. For example last semester we studied the works of Edgar Allen Poe and then we had to write a couple pieces in the same style as him. Later we even had a competition to see who could sound more Poe than Poe. The English teacher would read a piece written by Poe that he knew no one had read and then he would take the best pieces written by the class and read them all out loud. The class would then vote on which one sounded the most like Poe. this is what young writers need to do in order to find their own writing style.
   In an English course as much as your teacher insists that you are not writing the pieces for them, you are. Last semester my teacher enjoyed seldom used words, so I payed special attention to my diction and always kept a thesaurus handy, while this semester my teacher is more concerned with always proving a point with quotations, so I perfected adding quotations in to sentences. While diction is no longer an important technique for my grade this semester I still use it to some degree. This leads me to my point almost every time a writer goes outside their comfort zone while writing something from the experience stays with them.
   In my opinion all writers should try a variety of styles and techniques and occasionally force themselves to write about things that they don't particularly care about. A good writer writes about things that have meaning to them, a great writer can write about anything and still make it sound meaningful. In school you are forced to write about subjects that honestly you don't care about, but you have to stick it out and try to find ways to add your own personal flair to whatever it is that you're writing. My latest English project is a descriptive essay of where I grew up and either how it is a microcosm of Canada or how it changed my life as a Canadian. To tell you the truth I don't really believe it fits either, and while I don't like to lie in my writing pieces I have now found myself in a position where I have to take a tiny feeling that in some way it may be a microcosm and stretch it out as f I avidly believe this idea.
   While I think it's a good idea for a writer to write about things that don't necessarily mean something to them I believe this should be for practice and by no means for publishing. In a personal essay the feelings written should be true not made up or stretched. A writer should try to reach out to their audience and either teach them something or make them feel something, preferably both. If you cannot be emotional about topics you do not care all that much about then you should probably stick to writing topics of your choosing. While you may find yourself in situations where you have to write not from your heart, but from your brain know that it's an experience that will help you grow as a writer. It doesn't matter how old you are there is always something to learn, and the same goes for writing.
All of the topics on this blog are of my own choosing and therefore they are things that I care about, well except for that one challenge post I did I was to excited about that one. I would also like to thank you, my audience for reading my blog. I am now getting new people from all around the world. I'm still 8 posts behind.

Book Review
Recently I have read The Darkest Powers trilogy by Kelly Armstrong. This series is about a girl who sees ghosts and can raise hoards of zombies, but is stuck in a mental hospital being treated for schizophrenia. I absolutely loved the writing style in these books. The main character Chloe Saunders in the narrator, making this series conversational, while at the same time descriptive. Some of the vivid details including maggots I wouldn't of minded being left out but it did add onto the book. It was obvious to me that the author was not writing this for money, because she could have easily made one more novel with all the loose ends she left at the end of the last book. The only real complaint I have with this trilogy is that compared to the rest of the series full of death, destruction, and drama, the ending was a tad bit sappy. For an ending that did not seem to fit the series I give this trilogy 4.8 stars. You were close, but not close enough for my first 5 rating.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Romance & Relationships

    Today's post comes in two parts to make up for the lack of a post on Saturday. Part one: Past romantic customs, and Part two: Romance and relationships today. It's crazy how much difference there is in relationships between my generation and my grandparents.
    Part One: In the past it seemed people put a lot more effort in romantic gestures. Romantic customs were a lot more complicated and defiantly more frequent. Woman were serenaded and had doors opened for them and yes feminists I know we have hands, but in my opinion the whole point of romance is putting your loved ones needs before yourself. Here are some of my favourite customs mainly from Europe.
   In ancient Norway, single girl's would carry an empty sheath, and when a boy walked by he would put his knife in the girl's sheath. This seems a little sweet, but I still laughed when I read this. I couldn't help but wonder what happened if the boy had shaky hands. He might miss the sheath and end up stabbing the girl he was trying to woo. I guess this one would not work today, because it could turn gruesome and some people may find it strange to carry around knives. The next one could be used today as well.
    In 17th century Wales, spoons were carved for loved ones. Whatever carvings the spoon was inscribed with would describe the love you had with the other person. For example, if you carved the picture of a vine onto the spoon it meant the love you have towards the person was growing. I don't find this custom overly complicated, so I don't know why it isn't used today, but a lot of the old customs were difficult to complete.
   One custom we learned about in French class, was super complicated, but because I am not that great at French this may not be correct. From what I understood the guy would pick the first green apple that appeared on his apple tree. Next he would carve his loved one's name into the apple and then wait for the apple to turn red. Once it was red that meant their love was in full blossom. By then he should give the apple to his loved one. There was also something about a love letter, but I couldn't figure out if he was supposed to put the letter in the apple, or give it to the girl before the apple was given. Either way this custom takes time and is a tad bit tricky. You have to protect the apple at all times. I guess it's understandable why some of these aren't used today.
    Part 2: Love and relationships have changed drastically from what it used to be. While in the past men tried to woo girls today most relationships start on the Internet. I guess people don't want to put much effort in today.
    Most customs of the past take a lot of effort and time. In today's society we rarely even give a bouquet of flowers let alone put a jacket over a spill. Both chivalry and romance is hard to find today, not because people don't like it anymore, but because people are to lazy to put the effort in. When you look back at relationships of the past it seemed almost simpler with those customs. If you liked someone all you did was follow one of the customs and they would either decide to accept the gift or request or deny it. Today I seriously wonder if romance even exists.
    Breakups are done over text or e-mail, and romance is reserved for apologies. Seriously people we need to put some effort in. As I mentioned before romance is all about putting someonelses need before your own. In a selfish society like today this can be difficult, but it's worth the effort.
    In a world with almost no romance it's no surprise that the divorce rate is high. Just because you're married to someone for a while doesn't mean you shouldn't still have date nights. I know that being a teenager who has never dated I don't really have a right to comment on these things, but here I go anyway. Maybe it's me but it's pretty obvious that the key to a good marriage is to change up your routine and keep on doing occasionally romantic gestures. Don't do it on the same day of the week, or too often, because then it loses meaning. Just be sweet and think of your loved one's need as well as your selves and you should have a wonderful relationship.

I owe you all 8 posts.

Doctor Who Quote
Nice attempt at a distraction from the fourth doctor.
Scorby: Okay, start talking.
The Doctor: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had perfect pitch...
Scorby: [referring to corpse] What happened to him?
The Doctor: Who, Wolfgang Amadeus...? Oh, him. Oh, he died.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Healthy Lifestyle

   Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life, but some people take this to the extreme. I guess it doesn't help that everywhere you look the media is screaming be thin, and some people head this call. These people decide to count their every calorie and work out everyday. I'm not docking work outs or even watching what you eat, my point is that everything in moderation is a good thing.
   It is a good idea to watch what you eat. Make sure you get all your food groups in and don't eat so much dessert that it makes you sick, but there is no need to calorie count. Eat what you feel like eating, and when you're full stop. It can be hard to eat sometimes when all of your friends seem to be trying to starve themselves, because they just don't seem to eat. Just because your friends are doing something, does not mean you have to do it to. Real friends won't judge you for that extra slice of pizza or second round at the buffet.
   If you want to be fit not only do you not have to work out everyday, but it is also recommended that you don't work out everyday. Whether it's to lose weight or to become stronger you need to give your muscles time to rest. If you overwork your muscles you may end up injuring yourself. As my mom always says, "You only have one life to live, if your going to spend it miserable why bother. What's the point in being excessively healthy if you're not happy."
   Seeing as my mom was the first person to show me how silly counting calories is I'm going to reiterate her main points for my conclusion. The whole point of dieting and calorie counting is to live a longer life, but if you can't enjoy that life, what's the point. The rest of her speech was pretty much saying how moronic it is and insert F word here, but the point still remains. Do what makes you happy. Eat what you want and exercise if you want to. As long as you can still do what you want to do and are mostly healthy then stop worrying. Over-working and under eating will only make you unhealthy so relax, sit back, and enjoy life.

 I'm eight blogs behind.

Fun Stuff
Two of the background on my computer are Doctor Who versions of IPod commercials. The first one shows a dalek with an IPod and inscribed above it says, "IPod. To awesome to exterminate". he second one has the outline of the David Tenant doctor on a blue background also with an IPod visible in the shadow.  On this on it says, "IDoctor. Music for a new regeneration". My fellow Doctor Who fans should get a kick out of these. 

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Deja Vu T.V

   You tune back to an episode of a television program you like after commericials and start thinking, "Is this a re-run?". Nope it's the same episode you were watching before it's just half of the show is recaps. Pretty  much every episode on telivsion is repetitive, and if doesn't re-cap what occurred in the episode then it probably has similar and repetitive plot lines. It's incredibly difficult to find a series that doesn't get to repetitive that it gets boring.
   I love WWE wrestling, because it's like a soap opera with fighting, but as my mom said you can watch the last ten minutes of the show and understand not only what went on in that episode, but what went on last week. I guess that's the main reason I stopped watching it as often. I understand that certain shows like Rich Bride, Poor Bride, and How Clean Is Your House need structure, but that's exactally what makes them boring when watched too often. Most of the time I don't even like hearing or watching the introduction of a show, because it's always the same (except for Doctor Who of course). There needs to be variety and the plot needs to change noticabbly with each episode.
   I am a fan of the comedy channel, but I got so annoyed when I heard a comic repeat his routine, but on a different show. At first I thought I haad seen the episode before, but then I realised the backdrop was different and there were a couple new jokes. Still he had the audacity to go up there and repeat over half a routine that had already aired on television earlier that year. I think that if comedians are being filmed they should make an effort to do different material. Have a back up act or something, just make an effort.
   There are other shows that give you deja vu not because there are recaps, or someone saying the same things, it seems repeatitive because the plot lines are so similar it's painful. Take the show House for example. Every episode someone gets sick with some odd disease that interests Dr. House. Then house teams up with his diagnosis squad and the original diagnosis is always wrong. Lastly House saves the day and they correctly diagnose the patient before they kill them by misdiaagnossing them constantly. I honestly do not understand how their hospital can be open even if it is fictional.
   My message here is to the writers of television programs. Don't write for the money write something creative and inspiring. Change it up a bit sometimes and stop making the plots so darn predictable.

I'm eight post behind and there will be no post tomorrow. Quick warning spell check is not working for me so there may be a few mistakes.

Doctor Who Quote
Here's some funny quotes from the fourth doctor.
Romana II: Sounds like drilling. What do you think it was? 
The Doctor: Underworld dentist?

The Doctor: [to K9] Say "aah."
K9: [in a very raspy voice] Aaaaaaahhhhhh...
The Doctor: Aaaah! Aaah, laryngitis! How can a robot catch laryngitis? 

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Silence Is Golden But Talking Is Fun

   It's hard to keep your mouth shut when someone asks, "Does this look good?", or "What do you think?". Sometimes it's better to not talk, but other times you have to say what's on your mind. Maybe it's just me, but I think that they can be hard to differentiate. It seems that most people I know suffer from one of two problems. One they just can't stop sharing their opinion, or two you have no idea whether their happy, because they never speak their mind. Personally I enjoy alternating between the two extremes.
   For those who can't stop sharing their opinion, I have noticed that they also have another problem. They insist on defending their opinion even when it's not being attacked. The person I am mainly talking about doesn't even realise he's doing it, but as soon ass an opposing opinion peeks over the horizon he whips out his sniper (I'm talking figuratively) and shoots it down while it's still an undeveloped little thought. He doesn't realise he's being an angry person it's just the way he is, and I know for a fact he's not the only one. For people that are like this you're not going to realise this is like you by reading this, but for others who know a person like this you know what I'm talking about. People like this need to learn to occasionally keep their opinion to themselves.
   On the other end of the talkative scale there are the silent people who don't speak their mind. Sometimes these people can be extremely talkative, they just don't say anything that would indicate how they are feeling. People may choose to do this for several reasons like, sparing someones feelings, pretending to be a martyr (Tangent: since when has being a martyr been a bad thing stop using it as an insult people), they're shy, they're nervous about what others will think, or they are trying to make up for when they shot down the other person's opinion. Whatever the reason may be it's usually better to just say what you think. It may suck at the moment you are saying it, no it will suck, but it will be worth it in the end. One exception is if someone has bought an nonreturnable clothing item don't say it looks bad on them even if it does. If they have to keep it anyway there's no point in ruining the outfit for them.
   If you're on the other side of the conversation it can be hard to deal with these people. If they can't seem to stop talking first try to interject and explain in a calm voice that they are hurting your feelings, if that doesn't work back away slowly. If you're with someone who never speaks their mind insist on them making the decisions. They'll be annoyed at you at first, but eventually they will get used to sharing their opinion. Happy conversing.

I owe you all eight posts. 

Doctor Who Quote
Sometimes I wonder if the Doctor is bipolar. In this scenario he should probably stop talking, but sometimes he need to say more.
The Doctor: (about to be killed)  I hope that knife's been properly sterilized.
Leonard DeVries: Blasphemer!
The Doctor: No, no, you can catch all sorts of things from a dirty knife- lockjaw, tetanus, not to mention staphylococcal infections...