Friday, 3 June 2011

Healthy Lifestyle

   Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life, but some people take this to the extreme. I guess it doesn't help that everywhere you look the media is screaming be thin, and some people head this call. These people decide to count their every calorie and work out everyday. I'm not docking work outs or even watching what you eat, my point is that everything in moderation is a good thing.
   It is a good idea to watch what you eat. Make sure you get all your food groups in and don't eat so much dessert that it makes you sick, but there is no need to calorie count. Eat what you feel like eating, and when you're full stop. It can be hard to eat sometimes when all of your friends seem to be trying to starve themselves, because they just don't seem to eat. Just because your friends are doing something, does not mean you have to do it to. Real friends won't judge you for that extra slice of pizza or second round at the buffet.
   If you want to be fit not only do you not have to work out everyday, but it is also recommended that you don't work out everyday. Whether it's to lose weight or to become stronger you need to give your muscles time to rest. If you overwork your muscles you may end up injuring yourself. As my mom always says, "You only have one life to live, if your going to spend it miserable why bother. What's the point in being excessively healthy if you're not happy."
   Seeing as my mom was the first person to show me how silly counting calories is I'm going to reiterate her main points for my conclusion. The whole point of dieting and calorie counting is to live a longer life, but if you can't enjoy that life, what's the point. The rest of her speech was pretty much saying how moronic it is and insert F word here, but the point still remains. Do what makes you happy. Eat what you want and exercise if you want to. As long as you can still do what you want to do and are mostly healthy then stop worrying. Over-working and under eating will only make you unhealthy so relax, sit back, and enjoy life.

 I'm eight blogs behind.

Fun Stuff
Two of the background on my computer are Doctor Who versions of IPod commercials. The first one shows a dalek with an IPod and inscribed above it says, "IPod. To awesome to exterminate". he second one has the outline of the David Tenant doctor on a blue background also with an IPod visible in the shadow.  On this on it says, "IDoctor. Music for a new regeneration". My fellow Doctor Who fans should get a kick out of these. 

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