Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Deja Vu T.V

   You tune back to an episode of a television program you like after commericials and start thinking, "Is this a re-run?". Nope it's the same episode you were watching before it's just half of the show is recaps. Pretty  much every episode on telivsion is repetitive, and if doesn't re-cap what occurred in the episode then it probably has similar and repetitive plot lines. It's incredibly difficult to find a series that doesn't get to repetitive that it gets boring.
   I love WWE wrestling, because it's like a soap opera with fighting, but as my mom said you can watch the last ten minutes of the show and understand not only what went on in that episode, but what went on last week. I guess that's the main reason I stopped watching it as often. I understand that certain shows like Rich Bride, Poor Bride, and How Clean Is Your House need structure, but that's exactally what makes them boring when watched too often. Most of the time I don't even like hearing or watching the introduction of a show, because it's always the same (except for Doctor Who of course). There needs to be variety and the plot needs to change noticabbly with each episode.
   I am a fan of the comedy channel, but I got so annoyed when I heard a comic repeat his routine, but on a different show. At first I thought I haad seen the episode before, but then I realised the backdrop was different and there were a couple new jokes. Still he had the audacity to go up there and repeat over half a routine that had already aired on television earlier that year. I think that if comedians are being filmed they should make an effort to do different material. Have a back up act or something, just make an effort.
   There are other shows that give you deja vu not because there are recaps, or someone saying the same things, it seems repeatitive because the plot lines are so similar it's painful. Take the show House for example. Every episode someone gets sick with some odd disease that interests Dr. House. Then house teams up with his diagnosis squad and the original diagnosis is always wrong. Lastly House saves the day and they correctly diagnose the patient before they kill them by misdiaagnossing them constantly. I honestly do not understand how their hospital can be open even if it is fictional.
   My message here is to the writers of television programs. Don't write for the money write something creative and inspiring. Change it up a bit sometimes and stop making the plots so darn predictable.

I'm eight post behind and there will be no post tomorrow. Quick warning spell check is not working for me so there may be a few mistakes.

Doctor Who Quote
Here's some funny quotes from the fourth doctor.
Romana II: Sounds like drilling. What do you think it was? 
The Doctor: Underworld dentist?

The Doctor: [to K9] Say "aah."
K9: [in a very raspy voice] Aaaaaaahhhhhh...
The Doctor: Aaaah! Aaah, laryngitis! How can a robot catch laryngitis? 

1 comment:

  1. If you think you have to deal with repetition at your age wait until you reach the ripe old age of your mother and realize that almost every single thing on television is just a redo of some other show that was on TV 10-20 years earlier.
