Monday, 11 July 2011

My Top 10 Pet Peeves

   I am a very easily aggravated person, which is made extremely obvious when I start to list off the many things that annoy me. While most things I can ignore these ten just drive me nuts. The worst part is I know someone who does 8 out of ten of these things. I am learning to deal with my anger, but until I get this perfected I'm going to express my frustration towards these ten things.
   1. Diction: There are some words that I just can't stand to hear. Mostly it's just words that have to do with stool or sex, but there are other words that I simply don't like the sound of. Pretty much any baby talk word falls into this category. Now I'm a fan of making up words, but there's a difference between cool made up words and a messed up pronunciation of a word. Changing the pronunciation isn't doing anyone any favours. If anything baby talk is only going to end up making your babies have trouble talking when they are older. Just speak like a normal person.
   2. Dinner Table Manners: A meal together as a family is a fun bonding experience when the people eating with you have basic manners. There is nothing that is more annoying at the dinner table than loud chewers that eat with their mouth full of food. I actually don't mind seeing their chewed up food it's the sound that gets on my nerves. Every time I hear that disgusting chewing sound I just want to throw food at them. If they sound like a pig they may as well look like one. As annoyed as I sound I keep my mouth shut when I hear this sound and continue on with my meal.
   3. Speaking Like You're Not There: Some people have a habit of asking other people's opinion of what you like while you're still there. It goes something like this:
"Do you think Rahne likes fish?" -Suzie
"Maybe, but I'm not sure" -Chloe
"Um... Why don't you ask me?" I think.
   4. Whispering: Being a person who was made fun of a lot when I was younger I become extremely paranoid when I see people whispering. I find myself wondering what they're saying and wondering if it has anything to do with me. Knowing how stressed out and paranoid seeing other people whisper makes me I detest it when others whisper to me, even when others are not around. It reminds me of how I felt when I thought that people were talking about me behind my back and I was right most of the time. I don't want others to feel like me, but I go overboard and get slightly angry when I hear others whisper. If you need to say something serious to me that no one else can hear wait until we're alone, or figure out an excuse so that we can be alone.
   5. Hovering: I am honestly scared when I turn around to find someone standing over my shoulder. I am a jumpy person who has watched too many horror movies, so people can not sneak up on me or stand menacingly over my shoulder. It ruins my focus to the point where I can't even do simple math problems or write an essay. I need to learn to deal with this one because during class a teacher occasionally wants to watch you work over your shoulder, and I look mighty silly when I stop suddenly as soon as the teacher approaches.
   6. Telling You What You Want: Have you ever had a friend that thought they knew you better than you know yourself? Well I have. I would tell them for example I like carrots and they would say something like, "No you don't you like asparagus". I'm sorry but since when did you steal my taste buds and opinions. I'm fairly certain I know what I like. It's not like I have a personality problem. I am proud to say there is only one of me no voices in my head... anymore.
   7. Interrupting: While I, myself, am guilty of this pet peeve being a hypocrite is not on this list so I can still say it bugs me. It's kind of weird but I prefer to get a whole sentence out instead of having to start it up five time because someone else had to but in. It's gotten to the point where I refuse to restate my point if I get interrupted. I get do tired of repeating myself I prefer to be silent then go through all the trouble.
   8. When Dangerous Objects Are Left Out: I have lost count of the number of times that I have found lighters, matches, knives, and other various sharp objects strewn around my house. Sure we don't have kids over all the time, and I'm old enough to know not to play with knives or light a fire in the house without some marsh mellows to roast, but we do have a plethora of pets. Our three cats attack everything and I can just imagine one of them trying to eat a lighter and then drinking up the fluid that came out of the cracked shell, or falling on a box cutter while fighting. There's always a possibility I could step on one of these objects as well, especially since I don't usually pay attention to where I step.
   9. Someone Teases You About Your Appearance Right Before You Go Out: Your going for a night out and you want to look presentable. You go up to a friend and ask them their opinion on your outfit in order to make sure you're good enough for the event. Maybe they're trying to be funny or maybe they're getting revenge when they decide to be cheeky and make fun of your outfit instead of being supportive. This is so disheartening because this is one time that you want approval, but instead of being nice and saying that you're pretty they tell you that you look bad.
   10. Someone Talks About Someone Else When They're Right There: When insulting someone you can't just assume that the other person can't hear you. If the person you are talking bad about is in the same room as you it's best to take a rain check on the insult. This also counts if the person's family or friends are there. Even if you hate the person it's better for both you and them if they don't know that.
   As you can tell I get annoyed easily, but I'm not the only one with pet peeves. If you take the time and make a list of all the little things that bug you, I think you'll find that your list is just as big if not bigger than mine.

Seeing as my lists are usually of 5 and this one is 10 I am counting this as 2 posts. I am now 11 posts behind.

Doctor Who Quote
Drax: Blimey, it's a dog. Who's a little tin dog then?
K-9: Your silliness is noted.

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